Cambridge University Press


The Indo-Aryan languages
Masica, Colin P.
by: Masica, Colin P.
International dictionary of Idioms
Working in English.. Teacher's book
Jones Leo (1943-)
Working in English.. Student's book
Jones Leo.
Working in English.. Personal study book
Jones Leo.
Music and social movements : mobiliz...
Eyerman, Ron.
Music and society : the politics of ...
Leppert, Richard D.
Music, gender, education
Green, Lucy.
Writing from within.. [Student's book]
Gargagliano Arlen.
Writing from within.. Teacher's manual
Gargagliano Arlen.
Target Score : A preparation course ...
Talcott, Charles
The Cambridge Chaucer companion
Boitani, Piero
The Cambridge companion to Beckett
Beckett Samuel (Criticism and interpretation) (1906-)
by: Beckett Samuel (Criticism and interpretation) (1906-)
The Cambridge companion to Dante
Dante Alighieri (Criticism and interpretation.) (1265-1321)
by: Dante Alighieri (Criticism and interpretation.) (1265-1321)
The Cambridge companion to Ibsen
Ibsen Henrik (Criticism and interpretation.) (1828-1906)
by: Ibsen Henrik (Criticism and interpretation.) (1828-1906)
The Cambridge companion to James Joyce
Attridge Derek.
The Cambridge companion to Jane Austen
Austen Jane (Criticism and interpretation.) (1775-1817)
by: Austen Jane (Criticism and interpretation.) (1775-1817)
The Cambridge companion to Leibniz
Jolley Nicholas.
The Cambridge companion to medieval ...
Beadle Richard.
The Cambridge companion to Old Engli...
Godden, Malcolm
The Cambridge companion to Oscar Wilde
Raby Peter.
The Cambridge companion to Plato
Kraut Richard (1944-)
by: Kraut Richard (1944-)
The Cambridge companion to Proust
Bales Richard.
The Cambridge companion to Proust
Bales Richard.
The Cambridge companion to T.S. Eliot
Eliot T. S. (Criticism andinterpretation.) (1888-1965)
by: Eliot T. S. (Criticism andinterpretation.) (1888-1965)
The Cambridge companion to Tennessee...
Roudan? Matthew Charles (1953-)
by: Roudan? Matthew Charles (1953-)
The Cambridge companion to the Brontes
Bront? Anne 1820-1849 (Criticism and interpretation)
by: Bront? Anne 1820-1849 (Criticism and interpretation)
The Cambridge companion to Thomas Hardy
Hardy Thomas (Criticism and interpretation.) (1840-1928)
by: Hardy Thomas (Criticism and interpretation.) (1840-1928)
The Cambridge companion to William Blake
Blake William (Criticism and interpretation) (1757-1827)
by: Blake William (Criticism and interpretation) (1757-1827)
The Cambridge companion to William F...
Faulkner William (Criticism and interpretation) (1897-1962)
by: Faulkner William (Criticism and interpretation) (1897-1962)
The economics of contracts : theorie...
Brousseau, Eric
Educating second language children :...
Genesee, Fred
Essential grammar in use : a self-st...
Murphy, Raymond
Objective : first certificate
Capel, Annette
Objective CAE
Broadhead, Annie
by: Broadhead, Annie
Evolving the mind : on the nature of...
Cairns-Smith, A. G.
Explorations in world literature : r...
Reppy, Jessie M.
by: Yule, George
Teach English : a training course fo...
Doff, Adrian
Teaching large multilevel classes
Hess, Natalie
Think twice : communication activiti...
Hover, David
Vocabulary in use : upper intermediate
McCarthy, Michael
Aristotle, the Politics
Incomes and the welfare state : essa...
Atkinson, A. B.
Learning how to learn
Gowin, D. B.
by: Gowin, D. B.
Computational physics
Thijssen,, J. M. (1958-)
by: Thijssen,, J. M. (1958-)
New interchange : english for intern...
Richards, Jack C.
New interchange. video activity book
Richards, Jack C.
New interchange : english for intern...
Richards, Jack C.
New interchange : english for intern...
Richards, Jack C.
New interchange : english for intern...
Richards, Jack C.
New interchange. video activity book
Richards, Jack C.
New interchange : english for intern...
Richards, Jack C.
New interchange
Hull, Jonathan
by: Hull, Jonathan
New interchange. student's audio[typ...
Hull, Jonathan
New interchange
Chastain, Ronald
by: Chastain, Ronald
New interchange : English for intern...
Lesley Tay.
New interchange : English for intern...
Richards J. C. (1943-)
New interchange : English for intern...
Hull Jonathan.
New interchange : English for intern...
Hull Jonathan.
New interchange : English for intern...
Hull Jonathan.
New interchange : English for intern...
Richards J. C. (1943-)
New international business english :...
Alexander, Richard
New progress to proficiency.. Studen...
Jones Leo.
Conjugated polymer surfaces and inte...
Br歋das, J. L. (1954-)
Conrad on film
Moore, Gene M.,1948-
by: Moore, Gene M.,1948-
Constructing a sociology of the arts
Zolberg, Vera L.
Plato on Poetry
Murray, Penelope
by: Murray, Penelope
The study of language
Yule, George
by: Yule, George
Submillimetre wave astronomy
Beckman, J. E.
Theory of distributions : a non-tech...
Richards, Ian (1936-)
Theory of production : a long-period...
Kurz, Heinz-Dieter
Business Roles : 12 simulations for ...
Crowther-Alwyn, John
Braunmuller A. R. (1945-)
by: Braunmuller A. R. (1945-)
Compression for multimedia
Bocharova, Irina.
by: Bocharova, Irina.
Computational physics
Thijssen, J. M. (1958-)
by: Thijssen, J. M. (1958-)
A course in combinatorics.
Lint, Jacobus Hendricus van
by: Lint, Jacobus Hendricus van
A first course in the numerical anal...
Iserles,, A.
A first course in the numerical anal...
Iserles, A
A history of women's writing in Germ...
Catling, Jo.
An introduction to mechanics
Kleppner, Daniel
by: Kleppner, Daniel
The anthropological lens : harsh lig...
Peacock James L.
Antony and Cleopatra
Antonius Marcus (Drama.) (83?-30 B.C.)
by: Antonius Marcus (Drama.) (83?-30 B.C.)
Finding out about : a cognitive pers...
Belew, Richard K.
Finding out about : a cognitive pers...
Belew, Richard K
A second course in formal languages ...
Shallit, Jeffrey Outlaw.
The first part of King Henry IV
Great Britain
A course in financial calculus
Etheridge, Alison
by: Etheridge, Alison
A course in language teaching : prac...
Ur, Penny
A theory of economic growth : dynami...
Michel, Philippe
About language : tasks for teachers ...
Thornbury, Scott
Cambridge dictionary of American English
Landau, Sidney I.
The Cambridge dictionary of philosophy
Audi, Rogert
The Cambridge encyclopedia of language
Crystal, David
The Cambridge guide to women's writi...
Greer, Germaine
Company to company : a communicative...
Littlejohn Andrew.
Company to company : a communicative...
Littlejohn Andrew.
Linguistics : an introduction
Radford, Andrew
Culture in Second Language Teaching ...
Hinkel, Eil
Peak power control in multicarrier c...
Litsyn, Simon (1957-)
People and the state : an anthropolo...
Developing countries
Reading paul valery : universe in mind
Gifford, Paul
The feminist aesthetics of virginia ...
Goldman, Jane
General equilibrium theory : an intr...
Starr, Ross M.
Grammar in use. answer key
Murphy, Raymond
by: Murphy, Raymond
International dictionary of phrasal ...
The internet and the language classroom
Dudeney, Gavin
Postmodern theory and biblical theol...
Ingraffia, Brian D.
Understanding ideas : advanced readi...
Swan, Michael
Theories of Theories of Mind
Carruthers, Peter
by: Carruthers, Peter
Meanings into words intermediate : a...
Doff, Adrian
Meanings into words upper-intermedia...
Doff, Adrian
Meditations on first philosophy : wi...
Descartes, Rene
Vocabulary in use : intermediate
Redman, Stuart
What's it like? = life and culture i...
Collie, Joanne
Pragmatics in language teaching
Kasper, Gabriele
Fourier Analysis
Korner T. W.
by: Korner T. W.
Fracture of brittle solids
Lawn Brian R.
Vocabulary in use : intermediate
Redman, Stuart
Vocabulary in use : upper intermediate
McCarthy, Michael
Meanings into words upper-intermedia...
Doff, Adrian
Explorations in world literature : r...
Reppy, Jessie M.
A course in language teaching : prac...
Ur, Penny
The joy luck club
Tan, Amy
by: Tan, Amy
The morphology of Chinese : a lingui...
Packard, Jerome L.
Julius Caesar
Caesar Julius
by: Caesar Julius
Keep talking : communicative fluency...
Klippel, Friederike.
Lectures on the philosophy of world ...
Friedrich Hegel, Georg Wilhelm
Light and electron microscopy
Slayter Elizabeth M.
by: Slayter Elizabeth M.
Networks for learning and knowledge ...
Oliver, Amalya Lumerman.
Cambridge dictionary of American English
Landau, Sidney I.
Materials development in language te...
Tomlinson, Brian
Materials for engineers
Hosford, William F.
by: Hosford, William F.
The Cambridge guide to English usage
Peters, Pam
Profitability and unemployment : bas...
Malinvaud Edmond.
Essentials of radio wave propagation
Haslett, Christopher
Essentials of UWB
Aiello, Roberto
by: Aiello, Roberto
Face geometry and appearance modelin...
Liu, Zicheng (1965-)
Optical physics
Lipson, A.
by: Lipson, A.
Introduction to nonlinear optics
New, Geoffrey
Multibiometrics for human identification
Bhanu, Bir.
Recommender systems : an introduction
Jannach, Dietmar (1973-)
by: Jannach, Dietmar (1973-)
The Republican Legacy in Internation...
Onuf, Nicholas Greenwood
The Search After Truth : with Elucid...
Lennon, Thomas M.
Search for a Naturalistic World View
Shimony, Abner
Vowel patterns in language
Walker, Rachel (1967-)
by: Walker, Rachel (1967-)
The Cambridge introduction to Anglo-...
Magennis, Hugh.
Shakespeare and amateur performance ...
Dobson, Michael (1960-)
Language attrition
Schmid, Monika S.
by: Schmid, Monika S.
Shakespeare, alchemy and the creativ...
Healy, Margaret.
The cambridge companion to modernism
Levenson, Michael
Pictures for Language Learning
Wrig, ht,Andrew
Pictures for Language Learning
Wright Andrew
A course in language teaching : prac...
Ur, Penny
About language : tasks for teachers ...
Thornbury, Scott
English for the teacher : a language...
Spratt, Mary
Teaching children English : a traini...
Feunteun, Anne
Teach English : a training course fo...
Doff, Adrian
Personalizing Language Learning
Griffiths, Griff
Five-minute activities : a resource ...
Ur, Penny
The standby book : activities for th...
Lindstromberg, Seth
Testing for language teachers
Hughes, Arthur
Teach Business English
Donna, Sylvie
by: Donna, Sylvie
Reading Together : a reading/activit...
Krahnke, Karl
Educating second language children :...
Genesee, Fred
What's it like? = life and culture i...
Collie, Joanne
English vocabulary in use : elementary
McCarthy, Michael
English vocabulary in use : upper-in...
McCarthy, Michael
English vocabulary in use : pre-inte...
Redman, Stuart
Meanings into words intermediate : a...
Doff, Adrian
Communicative grammar practice : tea...
Jones, Leo (1943-)
Comparative criticism.
Ergodicity for infinite dimensional ...
Da Prato, Giuseppe
Essential grammar in use : a self-st...
Murphy, Raymond
Estimation, inference, and specifica...
White, Halbert
Extra-ordinary human-computer intera...
Edwards, Alistair D. N
Inside Meaning : proficiency reading...
Swan, Michael
Numerical recipes in C : the art of ...
Press, William H.
English grammar in use
Murphy, Raymond
by: Murphy, Raymond
English grammar in use with answers
Murphy, Raymond
Blake, Barry J.
by: Blake, Barry J.
English vocabulary in use
McCarthy, Michael
by: McCarthy, Michael
English vocabulary in use : elementary
McCarthy, Michael
Entertainment industry economics : a...
Vogel, Harold L. (1946-)
Ergodic theory and its connection wi...
London Mathematical Society
Tame topology and o-minimal structures
Van den Dries, Lou
Two treatises of government
Laslett, Peter.
by: Laslett, Peter.
Rosencher, Emmanuel
by: Rosencher, Emmanuel
Electromagnetic band gap structures ...
Rahmat-Samii, Yahya.
Statistical field theory
Drouffe, Jean-Michel.
by: Drouffe, Jean-Michel.
Understanding ideas : advanced readi...
Swan, Michael
Bridges to academic writing
Strauc, Ann O.
Business communications : internatio...
Rodgers, Drew
An Introduction to Parallel and Vect...
Lefton, Lew
An introduction to support vector ma...
Shawe-Taylor, John.
America's global advantage : US hege...
Norrlof, Carla.
The Origins and development of the A...
Andes Region
Oscillations in finite quantum systems
Bertsch, George F.
The Cambridge companion to American ...
Kalaidjian, Walter
Personalizing Language Learning
Griffiths, Griff
RF power amplifier behavioral modeling
Schreurs, Dominique.
RFID technology and applications
Miles, Stephen B. (1954-)
by: Miles, Stephen B. (1954-)
Hyperbolicity and sensitive chaotic ...
Palis Junior, Jacob
Quantum physics
Le Bellac, Michel.
by: Le Bellac, Michel.
Lost managers : supervisors in indus...
Child John (1940-)
Engineering tribology
Williams, J. A. (1948-)
by: Williams, J. A. (1948-)
The English languages
McArthur, Tom
by: McArthur, Tom
English phonetics and phonology : a ...
Roach, Peter
Philosophy and the good life : reaso...
Cottingham, John
Levinson, Stephen C.
by: Levinson, Stephen C.
Information incentives and bargainin...
Aoki, Masahiko (1938-)
Civilizing the economy : a new econo...
Brown, Marvin T. (1943-)
Micro- and nanoscale fluid mechanics...
Kirby, Brian
Ultra low power bioelectronics : fun...
Sarpeshkar, Rahul (1968-)
How to fold it : the mathematics of ...
O'Rourke, Joseph.
Reading Together : a reading/activit...
Krahnke, Karl
Fundamentals of object tracking
Challa, Sudha (1953-)
by: Challa, Sudha (1953-)
Romeo and Juliet
Brooke Arthur (d. 1563.)
by: Brooke Arthur (d. 1563.)
Advanced topics in applied mathemati...
Nair, Sudhakar (1944-)
Big-time sports in American universities
Clotfelter, Charles T.
Spider behaviour : flexibility and v...
Herberstein, Marie Elisabeth.
by: Herberstein, Marie Elisabeth.
Crafting strategy : embodied metapho...
Heracleous, Loizos Th.
The standby book : activities for th...
Lindstromberg, Seth
Ben Jonson in context
Jonson, Ben (1573?-1637)
by: Jonson, Ben (1573?-1637)
The Cambridge companion to modern Br...
Great Britain
Shakespeare's errant texts : textual...
Petersen, Lene B.
Challenges in central banking : the ...
Bohl, Martin T.
Arithmetic optimization techniques f...
Fallah, Farzan.
China, India and the international e...
Experiments and competition policy
Hinloopen, Jeroen.
Modeling ordered choices : a primer
Greene, William H. (1951-)
by: Greene, William H. (1951-)
Numerical methods in engineering wit...
Kiusalaas, Jaan.
The Cambridge companion to the concerto
Keefe, Simon P. (1968-)
by: Keefe, Simon P. (1968-)
Multiagent systems : algorithmic, ga...
Leyton-Brown, Kevin (1975-)
Dostoevsky and English modermism,190...
Kaye, Peter
p-automorphisms of finite p-groups
Khukhro, Evgenii I. (1956-)
by: Khukhro, Evgenii I. (1956-)
Mathematics for economics and financ...
Anthony, Martin
Syntax : a minimalist introduction
Radford, Andrew
Biological sequence analysis : proba...
Durbin,, Richard.
Company to company : a new approach ...
Littlejohn, Andrew
Algebraic set theory
Joyal, Andre
by: Joyal, Andre
Language Teaching
Vocabulary in use : upper intermedia...
McCarthy, Michael (1947-)
Reason and rhetoric in the philosoph...
Skinner, Quentin.
How to survive in the U.S.A. : Engli...
Church, Nancy
Effective reading : reading skills f...
Greenall, Simon
Getting ahead : communication skills...
Jones-Macziola, Sarah
Great ideas : listening and speaking...
Jones, Leo (1943-)
Great ideas : listening and speaking...
Jones, Leo (1943)
The poems : Venus and Adonis The Rap...
Lucretia (Poetry.)
Practical formal software engineerin...
Mills, Bruce (1962-)
Structured surfaces as optical metam...
Maradudin, A. A.
The development of the family and ma...
The Cambridge dictionary of philosophy
Audi, Rogert
Cambridge IELTS 2 Cassette Set = wit...
University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
by: University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1...
Jakeman, Vanessa
Digital systems engineering
Dally, William J.
by: Dally, William J.
Applied geophysics
Geldart, L. P.
by: Geldart, L. P.
Approaches to the evolution of language
Hurford, James R.
International dictionary of Idioms
International dictionary of phrasal ...
Student manual for The art of electr...
Hayes Thomas C.
New international business English :...
Alexander, Richard
The art of molecular dynamics simulation
Rapaport, D. C.
The art of molecular dynamics simulation
Rapaport, D. C.
Assessing vocabulary
Read, John A. S.
by: Read, John A. S.
Problems and solutions in quantum me...
Tamvakis, K.
Actresses and whores : on stage and ...
Pullen, Kirsten
New interchange : english for intern...
Richards, Jack C.
The design of CMOS radio-frequency i...
Lee, Thomas H. (1959-)
Diffusion : mass transfer in fluid s...
Cussler, E. L.
Drama techniques : a resource book o...
Duff, Alan (1942-)
Non-classical continuum mechanics : ...
Knops, R. J.
Political writings
Price, Richard (1723-1791.)
by: Price, Richard (1723-1791.)
Pre-Revolutionary writings
Burke, Edmund (1729-1797.)
by: Burke, Edmund (1729-1797.)
Greenall, Simon
by: Greenall, Simon
Reading between the lines : integrat...
Boardman, Roy
Understanding ideas : advanced readi...
Swan, Michael
Reasons for listening
Scarbrough, David
by: Scarbrough, David
Semigroup theory and its application...
Clifford, A. H. (1908-)
Short stories : for creative languag...
Collie, Joanne
Quantum mechanics and quantum field ...
Dimock, Jonathan (1945-)
Court poetry in late medieval Englan...
Hasler, Antony
Ethics and enjoyment in late medieva...
Rosenfeld, Jessica (1976-)
Introduction to distributed algorithms
Tel Gerard
Automotive control systems
Cakmakci, Melih.
by: Cakmakci, Melih.
Iterative receiver design
Wymeersch, Henk.
by: Wymeersch, Henk.
Effective reading : reading skills f...
Greenall, Simon
Active listening : introducing skill...
Brown, Steven
Pronunciation pairs : an introductor...
Baker, Ann
Vocabulary in use : upper intermediate
McCarthy, Michael
Introduction to nonlinear optics
New, Geoffrey
Issues in applied linguistics
McCarthy, Michael (1947-)
by: McCarthy, Michael (1947-)
We shall live again : the 1870 and 1...
Thornton Russell (1942-)
China's healthcare system and reform
Burns, Lawton R.
India's fiscal policy : prescription...
De, Supriyo
Developments in English for Specific...
Dudley-Evans, Tony
Rock music : culture, aesthetics, an...
Wicke, Peter.
Twelfth night or What you will
Donno, Elizabeth Story (1921-)
by: Donno, Elizabeth Story (1921-)
The sonnets
Evans G. Blakemore, (Gwynne Blakemore) (1912-)
by: Evans G. Blakemore, (Gwynne Blakemore) (1912-)
The tempest
Lindley David (1948-)
by: Lindley David (1948-)
The tragedy of King Lear
Halio Jay L.
General equilibrium theory : an intr...
Starr, Ross M.
English Today
Tazlar : a village in Hungary
Hann C. M. (1953-)
by: Hann C. M. (1953-)
Carbon nanotube science : synthesis,...
Harris, Peter J. F. (1957-)
Economic Theory in Retrospect
From first words to grammar : indivi...
Bates, Elizabeth
From writing to composing : an intro...
Ingram Beverly (1949-)
Active listening : introducing skill...
Brown, Steven
About language : tasks for teachers ...
Thornbury, Scott
Games for Language Learning
Betteridge Davis
by: Betteridge Davis
Games for Language Learning
Wright Andrew
Games for language learning
Betteridge, David.
by: Betteridge, David.
New interchange : english for intern...
Richards, Jack C.
Applied complex variables for scient...
Kwok, Y. K. (1957-)
The mechanics of the circulation
Caro, Colin G.
Grammar for English language teacher...
Parrott, Martin
Grammar Practice Activities : A prac...
Ur, Penny
Basic vocabulary in use
McCarthy Michael (1947.)
by: McCarthy Michael (1947.)
Tasks for Language Teachers : A reso...
Parrott, Martin
Training Foreign Language Teachers :...
J Wallace, Michael
Second Language Teacher Education
C. Richards, Jack
Understanding Communication In Secon...
C. Richards, Jack
Theory of production : a long-period...
Kurz Heinz-Dieter.
All's well that ends well
Florence (Italy)
by: Florence (Italy)
The TKT course : teaching knowledge test
Spratt, Mary
Social facts and fabrications : 'cus...
Moore Sally Falk (1924-)
Walras' economics : a pure theory of...
Morishima Michio (1923-)
Money in equilibrium
Gale Douglas
by: Gale Douglas
Money in equilibrium
Gale Douglas
by: Gale Douglas
Motivational strategies in the langu...
Zoltan, Dornyei
Speaking effectively : developing sp...
Comfort, Jeremy.
Speaking naturally : communication s...
Bruder, Mary Newton (1939-)
Speaking personally : quizzes and qu...
Ladousse, Gillian Porter.
The methodology of economics or How ...
Blaug Mark.
Methods of surface analysis
Walls J. M.
Numerical methods in engineering wit...
Kiusalaas, Jaan.
Numerical recipes in C : the art of ...
Press, William H.
Numerical recipes in C++ : the art o...
William H. Press
Structural models in anthropology
Hage Per (1935-)
Robert Burns : selected poems
Brown Kenneth.
Listening tasks : for intermediate s...
Schecter, Sandra
English vocabulary in use
McCarthy, Michael
by: McCarthy, Michael
English for the teacher : a language...
Spratt, Mary
In other words : variation in refere...
Schiffrin, Deborah
The Ethics of Policing
Kleinig, John
by: Kleinig, John
Course design : developing programs ...
Dubin, Fraida
Critical hermeneutics : a study in t...
Habermas Jgen.
Resource and environmental economics
Fisher Anthony C.
Rethinking tradition in modern Islam...
Brown, Daniel W.
The cambridge companion to English l...
Zwicker, Steven N.
The cambridge companion to Eugene O'...
Easterling, P. E.
The cambridge companion to George Be...
Easterling, P. E.
The cambridge companion to Greek tragedy
Easterling, P. E.
The cambridge companion to herman me...
Jones, Malcolm V.
The Cambridge companion to Hume
Norton, David Fate.
by: Norton, David Fate.
The Cambridge companion to medieval ...
Beadle, Richard
The Cambridge companion to medieval ...
Gaunt, Simon.
The Cambridge companion to Schopenhauer
Janaway, Christopher.
The cambridge companion to the Class...
Jones, Malcolm V.
The cambridge companion to the Frenc...
Unwin, Timothy
The Cambridge companion to the liter...
Sherry, Vincent
The Cambridge companion to William J...
Putnam, Ruth Anna.
Cambridge Grammar for PET with answers
Hashemi, Louise
Cambridge IELTS 3
Dunne, John
by: Dunne, John
Cambridge IELTS 4
Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey
by: Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey
Cambridge IELTS 5
Camberidge ESOL
by: Camberidge ESOL
Cambridge IELTS.3 : examination pape...
University of Cambridge.
Cambridge IELTS.•3 : examination pap...
University of Cambridge.Local Examinations Syndica
by: University of Cambridge.Local Examinations Syndica
The Cambridge introduction to Edgar ...
Fisher, Benjamin Franklin.
The Cambridge introduction to Robert...
Faggen, Robert.
The Cambridge introduction to Shakes...
Dillon, Janette
The Cambridge introduction to Virgin...
Goldman, Jane
The Cambridge introduction to Walt W...
Killingsworth, M. Jimmie
Cambridge practice tests for IELTS 1
Jakeman, Vanessa
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test
Gear, Jolene
Cambridge preparation for the TOEFL test
Gear, Jolene
The cambrigde introduction to F. Sco...
Curnutt, Kirk
Travel industry economics : a guide ...
Vogel, Harold L
Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching
H. Hornberger, Nancy
Quasicrystals and geometry
Senechal, Marjorie
by: Senechal, Marjorie
Active listening : expanding underst...
Brown Steven (1952-)
Basic grammar in use : reference and...
Murphy, Raymond.
The interface between the written an...
Goody Jack.
A theory of pay
Wood, Adrian (1946-)
by: Wood, Adrian (1946-)
Teaching languages to young learners
Cameron, Lynne
Introduction to computational fluid ...
Date, Anil W.
Putting popular music in its place
Hamm, Charles.
Teach English : a training course fo...
Doff, Adrian
Teaching listening comprehension
Ur, Penny
The quest for productivity : a case ...
Ahlstrand, Bruce W.
The study of language
Yule, George
by: Yule, George
Macroeconomic analysis and stabiliza...
Turnovsky Stephen J.
The Cambridge handbook of American L...
Salzman, Jack
Cambridge illustrated thesaurus of c...
Godman, Arthur
Basic grammar in use with answers : ...
Murphy Raymond (1946-)
Basic methods of cryptography
Lubbe, J. C. A. van der
by: Lubbe, J. C. A. van der
Clear speech : pronunciation and lis...
Gilbert, Judy B.
The world's religions
Smart, Ninian,1927-
by: Smart, Ninian,1927-
Neighbourhood and Society
Boul, ton, Jeremy
by: Boul, ton, Jeremy
Information theory, inference, and l...
MacKay, David J. C.
Infotech-English for computer users ...
Santiago Remacha Esteras
Hamlet Prince of Denmark
Edwards Philip.
by: Edwards Philip.
English Today
Cambridge University Press
by: Cambridge University Press
New interchange : english for intern...
Richards, Jack C.
New interchange : english for intern...
Richards, Jack C.
Using the board in the language clas...
Dobbs, Jeannine.
The fame of Gawa : a symbolic study ...
Munn Nancy D. (1931-)
Once upon a time : using stories in ...
Morgan, John
Handbook of the International Phonet...
International Phonetic Association.
Hands-on networking : from theory to...
Casoni, Maurizio.
Samuel Johnson : literature, religio...
Clark, J. C. D.
Vocabulary in language teaching
Schmitt, Norbert (1956-)
by: Schmitt, Norbert (1956-)
Using language
Clark, Herbert H.
by: Clark, Herbert H.
Pronunciation plus : practice throug...
Goldstein, Sharon
Far from the madding crowd
George, Patricia (1947-)
by: George, Patricia (1947-)
Using newspapers in the classroom
Sanderson, Paul
Writers at work : a guide to basic w...
Singleton, Jill
Wittgenstein : biography and philosophy
Klagge, James Carl,1954-
by: Klagge, James Carl,1954-
Decisionmaker : 14 business situatio...
Evans, David
Listening tasks : for intermediate s...
Schecter, Sandra
Constructing death : the sociology o...
Seale, Clive
English for the teacher : a language...
Spratt, Mary
English vocabulary in use : elementary
McCarthy, Michael
Hard times
Dickens, Charles
by: Dickens, Charles
Humanism and the culture of renaissa...
Nauert, Charles G.
Let's talk.. 1. Teacher's manual
Jones Leo.
Let's talk.. 2. Teacher's manual
Jones Leo (1943-)
Let's talk.. 3. Teacher's manual
Jones Leo.
Let's talk.. 1. Student's book
Jones Leo.
Let's talk.. 2. Student's book
Jones Leo.
Let's talk.. 3. Student's book
Jones Leo.
Fracture mechanics : integration of ...
Wei, Robert Peh-ying (1931-)
Utilitarianism, Hedonism, and Desert...
Feldman, Fred
Keynes's General theory and accumulation
Asimakopulos, A. (1930-)
by: Asimakopulos, A. (1930-)
King Richard II
Great Britain
by: Great Britain
Kings commoners and concessionaires ...
Bonner P. L.
Language : psychological and biologi...
Newmeyer, Frederick J.
Language and mind
Chomsky, Noam.
by: Chomsky, Noam.
The language web : the power and pro...
Aitchison, Jean
Measure for measure
Gibbons Brian (1938-)
by: Gibbons Brian (1938-)
Microfoundations : the compatibility...
Weintraub E. Roy.
Modern American short story sequence...
American fiction
Modern Chinese : its history and soc...
Chen, Ping
Modern coding theory
Richardson, Thomas J. (1961-)
by: Richardson, Thomas J. (1961-)
A history of Japanese theatre
Salz, Jonah.
Multi-application smart cards : tech...
Hendry, Mike.
New essays on human understanding
Bennett, Jonathan
The new knighthood : a history of th...
Barber, Malcolm
New perspectives in astrophysical co...
Rees, Martin J.
Nonlinear vibrations and stability o...
Amabili, M.
Normal forms and bifurcation of plan...
Chow, Shui-Nee
Objective CAE : Teacher's Book
Broadhead, Annie
Objective CAE : Student's book
Broadhead, Annie
Objective first certificate
Capel, Annette
Objective first certificate
Capel, Annette
Objective IELTS : advanced
Black, Michael
by: Black, Michael
Objective IELTS : Student's Book
Black, Michael
Objective IELTS : Workbook with Answers
Black, Michael
Objective IELTS Intermediate : Workb...
Black, Michael
Objective IELTS Intermediate : Stude...
Black, Michael
Objective IELTS Intermediate : Teach...
Black, Michael
Objective KET : Teacher's Book
Capel, Annette
Objective KET : Student's Book
Capel, Annette
Objective PET : Student's Book
Hashemi, Louise
Objective PET : Teacher's Book
Hashemi, Louise
Genuine articles : authentic reading...
Walter, Catherine (1916-)
Essential = BULATS Business Language...
Clark, David
Geometric differentiation : for the ...
Porteous, Ian R.
Geometric Galois actions
Lochak, P
String theory and M-theory : a moder...
Becker, Katrin,1967-
Progress to proficiency.. Teacher's book
Jones Leo (1943-)
Selected short stories
Testing for language teachers
Correspondence with Aaron Hill and t...
Gerrard, Christine.
Eating and Ethics in Shakespeare's E...
The Cambridge companion to Alice Munro
Munro, Alice (1931)
The letters of Ernest Hemingway.. 19...
DeFazio, Albert J.
The letters of Ernest Hemingway.. 19...
DeFazio, Albert J.
The letters of Ernest Hemingway.. 19...
Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961)
by: Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961)
After Mahler : Britten, Weill, Henze...
Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976)
George Frideric Handel : collected d...
Burrows, Donald.
George Frideric Handel : collected d...
Burrows, Donald.
Cinema,theory,and political responsi...
McGee, Patrick
Objective IELTS Advanced Audio CDs
Black, Michael
Objective IELTS Intermediate Audio CDs
Black, Michael
Objective KET
Capel, Annette
by: Capel, Annette
Objective PET
Hashemi, Louise
by: Hashemi, Louise
Step Up To IELTS Audio CDs
Jakeman, Vanessa
by: Jakeman, Vanessa
Active listening : building skills f...
Brown, Steven
Active listening : introducing skill...
Brown, Steven
Digital design : a systems approach
Dally, William J.
Introduction to aberrations in optic...
Sasian, Jose M.
The poetry of Victorian scientists :...
Brown, Daniel (1961-)
Mythologies of the Prophet Muhammad ...
Dimmock, Matthew
Syllabic writing on Cyprus and its c...
Steele, Philippa M. (1983-)
by: Steele, Philippa M. (1983-)
African archaeology
African civilizations : precolonial ...
Africa Sub-Saharan
After Adorno : rethinking music soci...
Adorno, Theodor W. (1903-1969.)
by: Adorno, Theodor W. (1903-1969.)
Computer vision for visual effects
Radke, Richard J. (1974-)
by: Radke, Richard J. (1974-)
Numerical methods in engineering wit...
Kiusalaas, Jaan
OFDMA mobile broadband communication...
Laroia, Rajiv
Fundamentals of electro-optic system...
Karp, Sherman
Optical antennas
Agio, Mario
by: Agio, Mario
Hilbert space methods in signal proc...
Kennedy, Rodney A.
Detection and estimation for communi...
Chen, Chiao-En
Causality, probability, and time
Kleinberg, Samantha (1983-)
by: Kleinberg, Samantha (1983-)
Plasticity in sensory systems
Harris, Laurence (1953-)
by: Harris, Laurence (1953-)
Advanced quantum mechanics : a pract...
Danon, Jeroen (1977-)
Electricity and magnetism
Purcell, Edward M.
by: Purcell, Edward M.
Physical mathematics
Cahill, Kevin (1941-)
by: Cahill, Kevin (1941-)
The angular momentum of light
Andrews, David L. (1952-)
by: Andrews, David L. (1952-)
Advanced engineering dynamics
Ginsberg, Jerry H. (1944-)
by: Ginsberg, Jerry H. (1944-)
The value of arts for business
Schiuma, Giovanni.
by: Schiuma, Giovanni.
The Cambridge introduction to Edward...
McCarthy, Conor.
Edmund Burke and the art of rhetoric
Bullard, Paddy (1973-)
by: Bullard, Paddy (1973-)
Imagination and the contemporary novel
Su, John J.
An introduction to star formation
Ward-Thompson, Derek (1962-)
by: Ward-Thompson, Derek (1962-)
by: Campbell, Colin.
An introduction to computational physics
Pang, Tao,1959-
Business vocabulary in use
Mascull, Bill
Cognitive linguistics
Croft, William.
by: Croft, William.
The comedy of errors
Dorsch T. S.
by: Dorsch T. S.
Communication complexity
Kushilevitz, Eyal.
by: Kushilevitz, Eyal.
Communicative Syllabus Design
Munby, John
D. H. Lawrence : triumph to exile,19...
Kinkead-Weekes, Mark
D. H. Lawrence : dying game,1922-1930
Ellis, David
D. H. Lawrence : the early years,188...
Lawrence,D. H.(David Herbert),1885-1930
by: Lawrence,D. H.(David Herbert),1885-1930
Foundations of Probability with Appl...
Suppes, Patrick
Untimely Meditations
Breazeale, Daniel
by: Breazeale, Daniel
Business Benchmark : Upper Intermediate
Brook-Hart, Guy
Business Benchmark : Pre-Intermediat...
Whitby, Norman
Complete Guide to the TOEIC Test
Rogers, Bruce
Linguistic semantics : an introduction
Lyons, John (1932-)
English vocabulary in use:pre-interm...
Stuart Redman
Vocabulary in use:upper intermediate
Felicity O'Dell,Ellen Shaw
by: Felicity O'Dell,Ellen Shaw
Nationalism and cultural practice in...
Lazarus, Neil
The Cambridge companion to Beckett
edited by John Pilling.
by: edited by John Pilling.
A theory of pay
Adrian Wood
by: Adrian Wood
The methodology of economics
Mark Blaug
Production process and technical change
Morroni Mario.
From writing to composing
Beverly Ingram
by: Beverly Ingram
Law and economic organization:a comp...
Katherine S. Newman.
Neighbourhood and society:a London s...
Jeremy Boulton.
Five-minute activities : a resource ...
Ur, Penny
French philosophy in the twentieth c...
Gutting, Gary
A World at Arms : a global history o...
Weinberg, Gerhard L.
Active listening : introducing skill...
Brown, Steven
Active listening : introducing skill...
Brown, Steven
Active listening : building skills f...
Brown, Steven
Language and mind
Noam Chomsky.
by: Noam Chomsky.
The TKT course : teaching knowledge ...
Bentley, Kay
The TKT course : teaching knowledge ...
Albery, David
English collocations in use : how wo...
McCarthy, Michael (1947-)
Basic vocabulary in use : with answe...
McCarthy, Michael (1947-)
English idioms in use : 60 units of ...
McCarthy, Michael (1947-)
by: McCarthy, Michael (1947-)
English vocabulary in use. Elementary
McCarthy, Michael (1947-)
by: McCarthy, Michael (1947-)
Shakespeare and world cinema
Burnett, Mark Thornton
by: Burnett, Mark Thornton
The Cambridge guide to women's writi...
Greer, Germaine
The Cambridge history of China
by: Hull,, Jonathan (1949-)
Wireless Internet security : archite...
Kempf, James (1952-)
The Morals of Modernity
Larmore, Charles E.
by: Larmore, Charles E.
English for Academic Purposes : A gu...
Jordan, R. R.
English for specific purposes
Hutchinson, Tom
Fundamentals of plasma physics
Bellan, Paul Murray,1948-
by: Bellan, Paul Murray,1948-
Growth profits and property : essays...
Nell Edward J.
Games for Language Learning
Bett, eridge,David
by: Bett, eridge,David
Horizontalists and verticalists : th...
Moore Basil J.
Land kinship and life-cycle
Law and economic organization
Newm, an, Katherine S.
by: Newm, an, Katherine S.
Law and politics in Aztec Texcoco
Offner Jerome A.
Profitability & unemployment
Edmond Malinvaud
by: Edmond Malinvaud
The economics of cultural policy
Throsby, C. D.
Quantitative risk assessment : the s...
Aven, T.
The exoplanet handbook
Perryman, M. A. C.
by: Perryman, M. A. C.
Patrick Moore's data book of astronomy
Moore, Patrick.
Eruptions that shook the world
Oppenheimer, Clive.
by: Oppenheimer, Clive.
Software modeling and design : UML, ...
Gomaa, Hassan.
Emerging wireless technologies and t...
Gerla, Mario (1943-)
CMOS analog design using all-region ...
Galup-Montoro, Carlos.
The design of approximation algorithms
Shmoys, David Bernard.
by: Shmoys, David Bernard.
Filter bank transceivers for OFDM an...
Lin, Yuan-Pei.
Physics and chemistry of clouds
Lamb, Dennis (1941-)
by: Lamb, Dennis (1941-)
Teach Business English
Donna, Sylvie
by: Donna, Sylvie
Teaching children English : a traini...
Feunteun, Anne
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Hardy, Thomas
by: Hardy, Thomas
Testing for language teachers
Hughes, Arthur
The Cambridge Companion to Foucault
Gutting, Gary
The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes
Sorell, Tom
The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche
Higgins, Kathleen M.
The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza
Garrett, Don
The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein
Sluga, Hans
Competition Policy : a Game-theoreti...
Phlips, Louis
The rise and fall of languages
Dixon, R. M. W.
Lean evolution : lessons from the wo...
Rich, Nick.
Shakespeare and social dialogue : dr...
Writing south africa : literature,ap...
Attridge, Derek
Learning strategies in second langua...
Chamot, Anna Uhl.
Light-emitting diodes
Schubert, E. Fred.
by: Schubert, E. Fred.
Light-emitting diodes
Schubert, E. Fred.
by: Schubert, E. Fred.
Apposition in contemporary english
Meyer, Charles F.
by: Yule, George (1947-)
Introduction to software testing
Ammann, Paul (1961-)
by: Ammann, Paul (1961-)
Hydrodynamic stability
Drazin P. G.
by: Drazin P. G.
Hydrodynamics and sound
Howe, M. S.
Communicative grammar practice : act...
Jones, Leo
Communicative grammar practice : act...
Jones, Leo
Company to company : a new approach ...
Littlejohn, Andrew
Effective reading : reading skills f...
Greenall, Simon
Effective reading : reading skills f...
Greenall, Simon
Effective writing : writing skills f...
Withrow, Jean
Effective writing : writing skills f...
Withrow, Jean
English pronouncing dictionary
Jones, Daniel
English vocabulary in use
McCarthy, Michael
by: McCarthy, Michael
English vocabulary in use : pre-inte...
Redman, Stuart
From writing to composing : an intro...
Ingram, Beverly
From writing to composing : an intro...
Ingram, Beverly
Mutliuser detection
Verdu, Sergio
by: Verdu, Sergio
Pronunciation games
Hancock, Mark
by: Hancock, Mark
Pronunciation pairs : an introductor...
Baker, Ann
Pronunciation pairs : an introductor...
Baker, Ann
Psychology for langauge teachers : a...
Burden, Robert L.
Researching and applying metaphor
Cameron, Lynne
The Cambridge companion to Dante
edited by Rachel Jacoff.
by: edited by Rachel Jacoff.
About language:tasks for teachers of...
Scott Thornbury
Metal Forming : mechanics and metallurgy
Caddell, Robert M. (1925-)
by: Caddell, Robert M. (1925-)
Mathematical methods for optical phy...
Gbur, Gregory J.
Fluid film lubrication
Szeri, A. Z.
by: Szeri, A. Z.
Evaluating Learning Algorithms : a c...
Japkowicz, Nathalie.
Enterprise cloud computing : technol...
Shroff, Gautam.
Reliable communications for short-ra...
Guvenc, Ismail.
Cooperative cellular wireless networks
Bhargava, Vijay K. (1948-)
by: Bhargava, Vijay K. (1948-)
Fluid-structure interactions : cross...
Langre, Emmanuel de.
A global green new deal : rethinking...
Barbier, Edward (1957-)
English vocabulary in use
Felicity O'Dell
by: Felicity O'Dell
International dictionary of phrasal ...
Microfoundations:the compatibility o...
E. Roy Weintraub.
Multimedia networking : from theory...
Hwang , Jenq-Neng
The Cambridge handbook of American L...
Jack Salzmaned.
Grammar in use
Raymond Murphy
by: Raymond Murphy
Lyons, John
by: Lyons, John
Spoken language and applied linguistics
McCarthy, Michael
Microfoundations:the compatibility o...
E. Roy Weintraub.
Abstract of british historical stati...
B. R. Mitchell
Innovation on demand
Fey, Victor.
by: Fey, Victor.
Step up to IELTS : Self-Study Studen...
Jakeman, Vanessa
Step up to IELTS : Teacher's Book
Jakeman, Vanessa
Step up to IELTS : Personal Study Bo...
Jakeman, Vanessa
Productivity and technical change
Tazlar:a village in Hungary
C. M. Hann.
Computational photonics : an introdu...
Wartak, Marek S.
Late Shakespeare, 1608-1613
Great Britain
Introduction to dynamical systems
Brin, Michael
High energy astrophysics
Longair, M. S. (1941-)
by: Longair, M. S. (1941-)
Physics of radio-frequency plasmas
Braithwaite, Nicholas
by: Braithwaite, Nicholas
Transmission lines : equivalent circ...
Collier, R. J
Analytic pattern matching : from DNA...
Jacquet, Philippe (1958-)
Critical perspectives on applied theatre
Hughes, Jenny (1971-)
English in the Caribbean : Variation...
Deuber, Dagmar
Research methods in linguistics
Podesva, Robert
Word stress : theoretical and typolo...
Hulst, Harry van der
The Cognitive Structure of Emotions
Andrew Ortony, Gerald L. Clore, Allan Collins
by: Andrew Ortony, Gerald L. Clore, Allan Collins
Colloidal quantum dot optoelectronic...
Konstantatos, Gerasimos (1979-)
Knowledge representation, reasoning,...
Gelfond, Michael
Thermodynamics and statistical mecha...
Bachmann, Michael (1973-)
Essentials of positioning and locati...
Bartlett, David (1958-)
X-parameters : characterization, mod...
Root, David E.
Plasmonic nanoelectronics and sensing
Chu, Hong-Son
Bordeaux, Lucas
by: Bordeaux, Lucas
Foundations of data exchange
Arenas, Marcelo
by: Arenas, Marcelo
Critical dynamics : a field theory a...
Täuber, Uwe C. (1963-)
Gas turbine emissions
Lieuwen, Timothy C.
by: Lieuwen, Timothy C.
Applied optimization methods for wir...
Hou, Y. Thomas
The Sugar plantation in India and In...
Bosma, Ulbe (1962-)
Governing the climate : new approach...
Bulkeley, Harriet (1972-)
Big data over networks
Cui, Shuguang
by: Cui, Shuguang
Resilience engineering : models and ...
Attoh-Okine, Nii O.
Principles of digital communication ...
Rimoldi, Bixio
Fracture mechanics : fundamentals an...
Maitii, Surjya Kumar
High-Speed Marine Craft : One Hundre...
Mantle, Peter J.
Buoyancy effects on natural ventilation
Chenvidyakarn, Torwong
Nonlinear structural dynamics using ...
Doyle, James F. (1951-)
Dynamics of quantised vortices in su...
Sonin, Edouard B.
Gravitation and spacetime
Ohanian, Hans C.
by: Ohanian, Hans C.
Climate, energy, and water : managin...
Dovers, Stephen
A course of analysis
Phillips, E. G.
by: Phillips, E. G.
Radio resource management in wireles...
Hossain, Ekram (1971-)
A history of Chinese art
Elliott, Jane.
by: Elliott, Jane.
Analysis and modeling of radio wave ...
Coleman, Christopher (1950-)
by: Coleman, Christopher (1950-)
Synchronization in digital communica...
Ling, Fuyun (1944-)
Shakespeare survey 66 : working with...
Holland, Peter (1951-)
Handbook of computational social choice
Brandt, Felix (1973-)
Human and machine hearing : extracti...
Lyon, Richard F.
Passive imaging with ambient noise
Garnier, Josselin.
Turing's imitation game : conversati...
Shah, Huma.
200 more puzzling physics problems w...
Gnädig, Péter.
5G mobile and wireless communication...
Marsch, Patrick.
Darkweb cyber threat intelligence mining
Robertson, John
Automated planning and acting
Ghallab, Malik.
The gas dynamics of explosions
Lee, John H. S. (1938-)
by: Lee, John H. S. (1938-)
The Cambridge companion to Nelson Ma...
Barnard, Rita
Emotions in the moral life
Roberts, Robert Campbell (1942-)
by: Roberts, Robert Campbell (1942-)
Natural disasters and adaptation to ...
Boulter, Sarah (1970-)
Travel narrative and the ends of mod...
Burton, Stacy
Introduction to modern digital holog...
Liu, Jung-Ping
Digital waveform generation
Symons, Pete ((Engineer))
by: Symons, Pete ((Engineer))
Measurement uncertainty and probability
Willink, Robin (1961-)
Poetics of character : transatlantic...
Manning, Susan (1953-2013)
Reviewing Shakespeare : journalism a...
Prescott, Paul (1974-)
Shakespeare's stage traffic : imitat...
Clare, Janet (1954-)
The material culture of the Jacobites
Guthrie, Neil (1963-)
by: Guthrie, Neil (1963-)
Behind the front : British soldiers ...
Gibson, Craig (1964-)
Turing's legacy : developments from ...
Downey, R. G.
Sparse image and signal processing :...
Fadili, Jalal M. (1973-)
Computation, proof, machine : mathem...
Dowek, Gilles
Continuum mechanics
Jog, C. S.
by: Jog, C. S.
The cognitive structure of emotions
Clore, Gerald L.
Random processes for engineers
Hajek, Bruce
Statistical methods for recommender ...
Agarwal, Deepak K. (1973-)
by: Agarwal, Deepak K. (1973-)
Real-time software design for embedd...
Gomaa, Hassan
Bavarian tourism and the modern worl...
Rosenbaum, Adam T.
A concise history of Romania
Hitchins, Keith (1931-)
by: Hitchins, Keith (1931-)
The international distribution of ne...
Associated Press
Red globalization : the political ec...
Sanchez-Sibony, Oscar (1977-)
Sentimental opera : questions of gen...
Castelvecchi, Stefano (1960-)
Verdi, opera, women
Rutherford, Susan
by: Rutherford, Susan
Batteries for electric vehicles : ma...
Berg, Helena
Contest theory : incentive mechanism...
Vojnović, Milan
Fluid mechanics : foundations and ap...
Jog, C. S.
Supersymmetry and string theory : be...
Dine, Michael
Fluid dynamics
Bernard, Peter S.
by: Bernard, Peter S.
A textbook of radar : a collective w...
Bowen, E. G.
A survey of the principles & practic...
Huxley, L. G. H.
Visible light communication
Arnon, Shlomi (1968-)
by: Arnon, Shlomi (1968-)
Fundamentals of mobile data networks
Miao, Guowang
mm-wave silicon power amplifiers and...
Hashemi, Hossein
Wireless device-to-device communicat...
Song, Lingyang
Solar power generation problems, sol...
Gevorkian, Peter
Applied computational aerodynamics :...
Cummings, Russell M.
Principles of LED light communicatio...
Dimitrov, Svilen
Learning the art of electronics : a ...
Hayes, Thomas C.
Partially observed Markov decision p...
Krishnamurthy, V.
Labor divided in the postwar Europea...
Nijhuis, Dennie Oude (1979-)
Conceptualising the global in the wa...
Evans, Joel (1987-)
Herman Melville and the politics of ...
Jonik, Michael (1979-)
The limits of expression : language,...
Kolaiti, Patricia (1976-)
The Cambridge companion to Latin Ame...
Hart, Stephen M.
The concept of nature in early moder...
Remien, Peter (1980-)
The letters of Samuel Beckett
Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989)
by: Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989)
A manifesto for social progress : id...
Bouin, O.
Experimental economics : method and ...
Jacquemet, Nicolas
Innovation ecosystems : increasing c...
Fransman, Martin
Mobilizing without the masses : cont...
Phonetics : a practical introduction
Wayland, Ratree (1964-)
by: Wayland, Ratree (1964-)
Smart grid technology : a cloud comp...
Bera, Samaresh
Knowledge driven development : bridg...
Lal, Manoj Kumar
Population and society : an introduc...
Bouvier, Leon F.
The philosophy of cosmology
Chamcham, Khalil.
by: Chamcham, Khalil.
Probability and evidence
Horwich, Paul
by: Horwich, Paul
What is a law of nature
Armstrong, D. M. (1926-2014.)
by: Armstrong, D. M. (1926-2014.)
The origin and nature of life on Ear...
Earth (Planet)
A fortunate universe : life in a fin...
Barnes, Luke A. (1983-)
The physics of energy
Jaffe, Robert L.
by: Jaffe, Robert L.
How we think and learn : theoretical...
Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis
The Cambridge companion to Dracula
Dracula (Count (Fictitious character))
by: Dracula (Count (Fictitious character))
Developmental scientist's companion ...
Reznick, J. Steven
From matter to life : information an...
Davies, P. C. W
Making sense of genes
Kampourakis, Kostas.
by: Kampourakis, Kostas.
Introduction to modern magnetohydrod...
Galtier, Sébastien
Principles of modern communication s...
Agbo, Samuel O.
Cloud radio access networks : princi...
Quek, Tony Q. S.
Communicative functions and linguist...
Kohler, Klaus J.
Organic electro-optics and photonics...
Dalton, Larry R.
Stochastic dynamics, filtering and o...
G., Visweswara Rao
English historical linguistics : app...
Brinton, Laurel J.
The study of language
Yule, George (1947-)
by: Yule, George (1947-)
Spatial analysis of coastal environments
Hamylton, Sarah M. (1981-)
by: Hamylton, Sarah M. (1981-)
Power electronics with MATLAB
Kalaiarasi, A.
Two-phase flow, boiling, and condens...
Ghiaasiaan, Seyed Mostafa (1953-)
Advanced structural dynamics
Kausel, E.
Ultrametric pseudodifferential equat...
Khrennikov, A. I︠U︡. (1958-)
A grammar of aspect : usage and mean...
Forsyth, James (1928-)
Scalarity in the verbal domain : the...
Kagan, Olga
Studies in the modern Russian language
Davison, R. M.
RUS' : a comprehensive course in Russian
Crosbie, Elena Vyacheslavna
by: Crosbie, Elena Vyacheslavna
Using Russian vocabulary
Wade, Terence Leslie Brian
by: Wade, Terence Leslie Brian
Using Russian synonyms
Wade, Terence Leslie Brian
by: Wade, Terence Leslie Brian
The Russian language : a brief history
Forsyth, James (1928-)
by: Forsyth, James (1928-)
Calendrical calculations : the ultim...
Dershowitz, Nachum
Predictive statistics : analysis and...
Clarke, Bertrand S. (1963-)
Media and radio signal processing fo...
Jung, Kyunghun (1970-)
Full-duplex communications and networks
Song, Lingyang
Wireless physical layer network coding
Burr, Alister
Modeling nanowire and double-gate ju...
Jazaeri, Farzan
Understanding jitter and phase noise...
Da Dalt, Nicola (1969-)
Vegetation dynamics : a synthesis of...
Eamus, Derek.
Principles of modern communication s...
Agbo, Samuel O.
Financial analytics with R : buildin...
Bennett, Mark J. (Mark Joseph) (1959-)
Transnational management : text and ...
Bartlett, Christopher A. (1943-)
Judgment and decision-making researc...
Ashton, Alison Hubbard.
High-dimensional probability : an in...
Vershynin, Roman (1974-)
Probability and computing
Mitzenmacher, Michael (1969-)
by: Mitzenmacher, Michael (1969-)
Programming in Haskell
Hutton, Graham (1968-)
by: Hutton, Graham (1968-)
Quantum information theory
Wilde, Mark (1980-)
by: Wilde, Mark (1980-)
Workload modeling for computer syste...
Feitelson, Dror G.
CMOS and beyond : logic switches for...
Kuhn, Kelin.
Design and deployment of small cell ...
Anpalagan, Alagan.
Introduction to communication systems
Madhow, Upamanyu.
The Cambridge companion to Victorian...
Hughes, Linda K.
Nonlinear circuit simulation and mod...
Pedro, José Carlos.
Multi-resolution image fusion in rem...
Joshi, Manjunath V.
Language, culture and education : ch...
Crowley, Catherine J.
Advanced wireless transmission techn...
Alouini, Mohamed-Slim.
Innovating for the middle of the pyr...
Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro.
Mathematics for machine learning
Deisenroth, Marc Peter.
by: Deisenroth, Marc Peter.
Conceptual developments of 20th cent...
Cao, Tian Yu (1941-)
The Cambridge companion to the Counc...
Council of Nicaea (325)
English dialect dictionary online : ...
Markus, Manfred.
A history of American literature and...
Dayton, Tim.
Interpreting Mach : critical essays
Mach, Ernst (1838-1916.)
by: Mach, Ernst (1838-1916.)
Radio frequency integrated circuits ...
Darabi, Hooman (1972-)
Laser and fiber optic gas absorption...
Stewart, George.
Modern ophthalmic optics
Alonso, José (1965-)
by: Alonso, José (1965-)
Practical philosophy from Kant to He...
Clarke, James A. (1974-)
Second language speech learning : th...
Wayland, Ratree (1964-)
Understanding development and profic...
Brenchley, Mark (1981-)
Artificial intelligence and social work
Rice, Eric
Natural language processing : a mach...
Teng, Zhiyang.
Machine learning for speaker recognition
Chien, Jen-Tzung.
Statistical thermodynamics : an engi...
Daily, John
Foundations of data science
Blum, Avrim (1966-)
by: Blum, Avrim (1966-)
A hands-on introduction to data science
Shah, Chirag.
Mining of massive datasets
Leskovec, Jurij.
by: Leskovec, Jurij.
Design of CMOS phase-locked loops : ...
Razavi, Behzad.
Wireless edge caching : modeling, an...
Thang X. (1985-)
The study of speech processes : addr...
Boucher, Victor J. (1959-)
The Cambridge companion to the Hebre...
Crouch, Carly L. (1982-)
Strategic compensation and talent ma...
DeVaro, Jed.
Advanced mechanics of solids : analy...
Schmerr, Lester W.
Energy harvesting : technologies, sy...
Collado, Ana.
Doing English grammar : theory, desc...
Berry, Roger (1951-)
Advanced data analytics for power sy...
Perlaza, Samir M.
Dynamics and control of autonomous s...
Vepa, Ranjan.
by: Tartagni, Marco (1962-)
by: Liu, Jia-Ming (1953-)
by: Baldi, Pierre.
by: Martins, Joaquim R. R. A.
by: Hsieh, William Wei (1955-)
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