Language, culture and education : ch...
Crowley, Catherine J.


  • Language, culture and education : challenges of diversity in the United States
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: challenges of diversity in the United States
    其他作者: IjalbaElizabeth.,
    其他作者: VelascoPatricia.,
    其他作者: CrowleyCatherine J.,
    出版地: Cambridge, UK
    出版者: Cambridge University Press;
    出版年: c2019.
    面頁冊數: xxi, 309 p.24 cm.;
    標題: Children of immigrants - Education - United States. -
    標題: Multicultural education - United States. -
    標題: Language arts - United States. -
    標題: Education, Bilingual - United States. -
    ISBN: 9781107081871
    內容註: Introduction to the immigrant experience / Elizabeth Ijalba Immigration, bilingual education, policy, and educational planning. Political, social and educational challenges in the struggle to develop bilingual education as a pedagogical model in the United States / Elizabeth Ijalba and Patricia Velasco Distinguishing a true disability from "something else": Part I. Current challenges to providing valid, reliable, and culturally and linguistically appropriate disability evaluations / Catherine J. Crowley and Miriam Baigorri Distinguishing a true disability from "something else": Part II. Toward a model of culturally and linguistically appropriate speech-language disability evaluations / Catherine J. Crowley and Miriam Baigorri Bilingualism, literacy ecologies, and parental engagement among immigrant families. Raising children bilingually: what parents and educators should know about bilingualism in children / Anny Castilla-Earls Language acquisition in emergent bilingual triplets / Rosemarie Sepulveda and Elizabeth Ijalba Chinese parents and raising their children bilingual: Fujianese immigrants / Elizabeth Ijalba and Qi Li Bilingualism in Korean-American children and maternal perceptions on education / Elizabeth Ijalba and Nakyung Yoo Transgenerational bilingual reading practices: a case study of an undocumented Mixteco family / Patricia Velasco and Bobbie Kabuto Parent education with Latino families of children with language impairment / Elizabeth Ijalba and Angela Giraldo Cultural perceptions on disability, the home language, and health care alternatives among immigrants. Perceptions on autism in Hispanic immigrant mothers of preschool children with autism spectrum disorders / Elizabeth Ijalba How early childhood interventions endanger the home language and home-culture: a call to value the role of families / Victoria Puig A critical review of cultural and linguistic guidelines in serving Arab-Americans / Reem Khamis-Dakwar Building home-school connections within a multicultural education framework: challenges and opportunities before and after President Trump's election / Patricia Velasco Health and alternatives to healthcare for Mexican immigrants in New York / Esperanza Tuñón Pablos.
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