紀錄類型: |
: 單行本
副題名: |
confronting cascading crises in the age of consequences |
作者: |
DelinaLaurence L., |
出版地: |
Cambridge, United Kingdom |
出版者: |
Cambridge University Press; |
出版年: |
2023 |
面頁冊數: |
xiii, 160 p.23 cm.; |
標題: |
Since 2020 - |
標題: |
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - |
標題: |
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Political aspects - |
標題: |
Climatic changes - Political aspects - |
標題: |
Pandémie de COVID-19, 2020- - |
標題: |
Pandémie de COVID-19, 2020- - Aspect politique - |
標題: |
Climat - Changements - |
標題: |
Climatic changes - Political aspects - |
摘要註: |
The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the hardships people are experiencing from human-induced climate change and itsimpact on weather extremes. Those in the Majority World are most affected by such global crises, and the pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of these populations whilehighlighting the differences between them and those fortunate to live in the Minority World. This book presents an overview of the impact of the climate emergency punctuated by a pandemic, discussing the expanding inequalities and deteriorating spaces for democratic public engagement. Pandemic responses demonstrate how future technological, engineering, political, social, and behavioural strategies could be constructed in response to other crises. Using a critical analysis of these responses, this book proposes sociotechnical alternatives and just approaches to adapt to cascading crises in the Majority World. It will be valuable for social science students and researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in inequality and vulnerability in developing countries |
9781108838344 |
內容註: |
1. Portrait of a grief 2. Collapsing dominoes 3. Vulnerability amplified 4. Walled world 5. Obscene opulence 6. Climate nationalism 7. Toggling the system 8. Decluttering consumption 9. Confronting neo-liberalism 10. Ceasing arrogance 11. Making amends 12. Collective solidarities 13. Decolonising from within 14. Indigenous epistemology 15. Communicating risks 16. The hubris of control 17. Mobilising the 3.5 per cent |