The Cambridge companion to the Hebre...
Crouch, Carly L. (1982-)


  • The Cambridge companion to the Hebrew Bible and ethics
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    其他作者: CrouchCarly L., 1982-
    出版地: Cambridge, United Kingdom
    出版者: Cambridge University Press;
    出版年: c2021.
    面頁冊數: xiii, 337 p.24 cm.;
    集叢名: The Cambridge companions to religion
    標題: Ethics in the Bible. -
    摘要註: "The Cambridge Companion to the Hebrew Bible and Ethics offers an engaging and informative response to a wide range of ethical issues. Drawing connections between ancient and contemporary ethical problems, the essays address a variety of topics, including student loan debt, criminal justice reform, ethnicity and inclusion, family systems, and military violence. The volume emphasizes the contextual nature of ethical reflection, stressing the importance of historical knowledge and understanding in illuminating the concerns, the logic, and the intentions of the biblical texts. Twenty essays, all specially commissioned for this volume, address the texts' historical and literary contexts and identify key social, political, and cultural factors affecting their ethical ideas. They also explore how these texts can contribute to contemporary ethical discussions. The Cambridge Companion to the Hebrew Bible and Ethics is suitable for use in undergraduate and graduate courses in as liberal arts colleges and universities, as well as seminaries."--Provided by publisher.
    ISBN: 9781108473439
    內容註: Introduction / C.L. Crouch (Fuller Theological Seminary) Part I Legal Ethics 1. The Decalogue: An Icon of Ethical Discourse / Dominik Markl (Pontifical Biblical Institute) 2. The Talionic Principle and Its Calibrations / Sandra Jacobs (King's College London) 3. Community Violence in Deuteronomy / Caryn Reeder (Westmont College) 4. The Construction of Gender Roles in the Book of the Book of the Covenant and in Deuteronomy / Carolyn J. Pressler (United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities) 5. Economics and the Law / Albino Barrera (Providence College) Part II Narrative Ethics 6. Creation Ethics in Genesis / Matthew Schlimm (University of Dubuque Theological Seminary) 7. Migrant Ethics in the Jacob Narratives / C. A. Strine (University of Sheffield) 8. Settler Mandates and the Book of Joshua / Mark Brett (Whitley College) 9. David's Ethic of Togetherness and Its Victims / Richard Smith (Taylor University) 10. Ethics and Ethnicity in the Deuteronomistic History / Brian Rainey (Princeton Theological Seminary) Part III Prophetic Ethics 11. Religion and Ethics in Isaiah / Bohdan Hrobon (Trnava University) 12. Covenant in the Book of Jeremiah / Else K. Holt (Aarhus University) 13. Ezekiel and Criminal Justice Reform / C. L. Crouch (Fuller Theological Seminary) 14. Poverty and Social Justice in Micah / Matthew Coomber (St Ambrose University) 15. War Violence in Hosea, Amos, and Nahum / Stacy Davis (St Mary's College) Part IV Wisdom/Poetic Ethics 16. Teaching Complex Ethical Thinking with Proverbs / Anne W. Stewart (Princeton Theological Seminary) 17. Divine Justice in the Book of Job / C.-L. Seow (Vanderbilt University) 18. Justice and Retribution in the Psalms / Tarah Van De Wiele (University of Nottingham) Part V Faithful Ethics 19. Jewish Ethics and the Hebrew Bible / Deborah Barer (Towson University) 20. Christian Ethics and the Hebrew Bible / Julián Andrés González Holguín (Graduate Theological Union).
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