Innovating for the middle of the pyr...
Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro.


  • Innovating for the middle of the pyramid in emerging countries
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    其他作者: Cuervo-CazurraAlvaro.,
    其他作者: MontoyaMiguel A.,
    出版地: Cambridge, United Kingdom
    出版者: Cambridge University Press;
    出版年: c2021.
    面頁冊數: xix, 386 p.ill. : 24 cm.;
    標題: Technological innovations - Developing countries. -
    標題: Basic needs - Developing countries. -
    標題: Middle class - Developing countries. -
    摘要註: "The transformation of emerging markets in recent decades has generated a new, growing, and very large middle class market, also known as the middle of the pyramid. This market segment, which is middle by the standards of emerging markets yet low by the standards of advanced economies, is extremely attractive for firms, but still understood and underserved. This volume presents detailed analyses of exemplary firms that have innovated products, services, and business models to fulfil the needs and desires of these new middle classes. It provides useful insights for managers, consultants, researchers, and students interested in emerging economies, and actionable lessons on how to innovate for a new and expanding market segment."--Back cover.
    ISBN: 9781108480192
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 

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