The philosophy of cosmology
Chamcham, Khalil.


  • The philosophy of cosmology
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    其他作者: ChamchamKhalil.,
    出版地: Cambridge, United Kingdom
    出版者: Cambridge University Press;
    出版年: 2017
    面頁冊數: xii, 514 p.ill. : 26 cm.;
    標題: Cosmology -
    ISBN: 9781107145399
    內容註: Part I - Issues in the philosophy of cosmology The domain of cosmology and the testing of cosmological theories /eorge F.R. Ellis Black holes, cosmology and the passage of time: three problems /ernard Carr Moving boundaries? - Comments on the relationship between philosophy and cosmology /laus Beisbart On the question why there exists something rather than nothing /oderich Tumulka Part II- Structures in theuniverse and the structure of modern cosmology Some generalities about generality /ohn D. Barrow Emergent structures of effective field theories /ean-Phillipe Uzan Cosmological structure formation /oelR. Primack Formation of galaxies /oseph Silk Part III - Foundations of cosmology: gravity and the quantum The observer strikes back /ames Hartle and Thomas Hertog Testing inflation /hris Smeenk Why Boltzmann brains do not fluctuate into existence from the de Sitter vacuum /imberly D. Boddy, Sean M. Carroll, and Jason Pollack Holographic inflation revised /om Banks Progress and gravity : overcomingdivisions between general relativity and particle physics and between physics and HPS /. Brian Pitts Part IV - Quantum Foundations and Quantum Gravity Is time's arrow perspectival /arlo Rovelli Relational quantum cosmology /rancesca Vidotto Cosmological ontology and epistemology /on N. Page Quantum origin of cosmological structure and dynamical reduction theories /aniel Sudarsky Towards a novel approach to semi-classical gravity /ard Struyve Part V - Methodological and philosophical issues Limits of timein cosmology /vend E. Rugh and Henrik Zinkernagel Self-locating priors and cosmological measure /ian Dorr and Frank Arntzenius On probability and cosmology: inference beyond data /artin Sahlén Testing the multiverse: Bayes, fine-tuning and typicality /uke A. Barnes A new perspective on Einstein's philosophy of cosmology /ormac O'Raifertaigh The nature of the past hypothesis /avid Wallace Big and small /avid Z. Albert
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