Practical philosophy from Kant to He...
Clarke, James A. (1974-)


  • Practical philosophy from Kant to Hegel : freedom, right, and revolution
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: freedom, right, and revolution
    其他作者: ClarkeJames A., 1974-
    其他作者: GottliebGabriel.,
    出版地: Cambridge, United Kingdom
    出版者: Cambridge University Press;
    出版年: c2021.
    面頁冊數: xv, 269 p.24 cm.;
    標題: Philosophy, German - 18th century. -
    標題: Philosophy, German - 19th century. -
    標題: Philosophy, Modern - 18th century. -
    標題: Philosophy, Modern - 19th century. -
    標題: Practical reason. -
    標題: Philosophers - Germany. -
    摘要註: "Scholarship on Kant's practical philosophy has often overlooked its reception in the early days of post-Kantian philosophy and German Idealism. This volume of new essays illuminates that reception and how it informed the development of practical philosophy between Kant and Hegel. The essays discuss, in addition to Kant, Hegel and Fichte, relatively little-known thinkers such as Pistorius, Ulrich, Maimon, Erhard, E. Reimarus, Reinhold, Jacobi, F. Schlegel, Humboldt, Dalberg, Gentz, Rehberg, and Möser. Issues discussed include the empty formalism objection, the separation between right and morality, freedom and determinism, nihilism, the right to revolution, ideology, and the limits of the liberal state. Taken together, the essays provide an historically informed and philosophically nuanced picture of the development of post-Kantian practical philosophy."--Back cover.
    ISBN: 9781108497725
    內容註: Introduction / James A. Clarke and Gabriel Gottlieb The original empty formalism objection : Pistorius and Kant / Paul Guyer Freedom and ethical necessity : a Kantian response to Ulrich (1788) / Katerina Deligiorgi Maimonides and Kant in the ethical thought of Salomon Maimon / Timothy Quinn Erhard on right and morality / James A. Clarke Erhard on revolutionary action / Michael Nance Elise Reimarus on freedom and rebellion / Reed Winegar Freedom and obligation : Kant, Reinhold, Fichte / Daniel Breazeale Fichte's ethical holism / Owen Ware Jacobi on practical nihilism / Benjamin Crowe The political implications of Friedrich Schlegel's poetic, republican discourse / Elizabeth Mill?an Brusslan The limits of state action : Humboldt, Dalberg, and perfectionism after Kant / Douglas Moggach Echoes of revolution : Hegel's debt to the German Burkeans / Reidar Maliks Public opinion and ideology in Hegel's philosophy of right / Karen Ng.
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