Bloomsbury Academic


A John Heskett reader : design, hist...
Dilnot, Clive.
China's porcelain capital : the rise...
Gillette, Maris Boyd.
Danish modern : between art and design
Mussari, Mark.
Sustainable graphic design : princip...
Fine, Peter Claver.
Sneakers : fashion, gender, and subc...
Kawamura, Yuniya (1963-)
Textile technology and design : from...
Schneiderman, Deborah (1968-)
Bloomsbury companion to discourse an...
Hyland, Ken
Bloomsbury companion to phonology
Botma, Engbert Doede (1972-)
by: Botma, Engbert Doede (1972-)
The Holocaust and genocides in Europe
Lieberman, Benjamin David (1962-)
by: Lieberman, Benjamin David (1962-)
Research methods in linguistics
Litosseliti, Lia
The Svetlana Boym reader
Abramov, Tamar
by: Abramov, Tamar
Interviews from the edge : 50 years ...
Biguenet, John
Costume in performance : materiality...
Barbieri, Donatella
The Internet unconscious : on the su...
Baldwin, Sandy (1966-)
Rules of use : language and instruct...
Lamb, Julian.
Ceramics and globalization : Staffor...
Ewins, Neil.
Fashion studies : research methods, ...
Jenss, Heike.
Global animation theory : : internat...
Animafest Scanner.
The unpredictability of gameplay
Johnson, Mark R.
by: Chun, Christian W. (1960-)
by: Antonio, Sheril D. (1960-)
by: Liddicoat, Anthony (1962-)