Interviews from the edge : 50 years ...
Biguenet, John


  • Interviews from the edge : 50 years of conversations about writing and resistance
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: 50 years of conversations about writing and resistance
    其他作者: YakichMark,
    其他作者: BiguenetJohn,
    出版地: New York
    出版者: Bloomsbury Academic;
    出版年: 2019
    面頁冊數: vi, 289 p.23 cm.;
    標題: Authors - Interviews -
    標題: Authors - Political and social views -
    標題: Authorship - Social aspects -
    標題: Authorship - Political aspects -
    標題: Authorship - Moral and ethical aspects -
    標題: Social change -
    標題: Social justice -
    標題: Human rights -
    附註: Includes index
    摘要註: "Interviews from the Edge presents a selection of conversations, drawn from 50 years of the international journal New Orleans Review, that dive head-first into the most enduring aesthetic and social concerns of the last half century. From reflections on the making of literature and films to personal accounts of writing inside racial divides and working against capital punishment, the writers, poets, and activists featured in this book offer not only a fresh perspective on our present struggles but also perhaps a way through them--for writers and readers alike. "I think it's frightfully important, and this is really much more difficult than it sounds, only to say what you absolutely believe." - Christopher Isherwood "Most American writers probably do not think of their writing as a kind of activism. And it shouldn't have to be--I don't think we can impose that on writers--but it can be. I think for many writers, the ones I admire--it is." - Viet Thanh Nguyen "Do you become a writer because you desire to become famous and make a lot of money? Or do you become a writer because there's something you discovered, this spark, this flash, that youwant to share with other human bein
    ISBN: 9781501347450
    內容註: Introduction by Mark Yakich and John Biguenet Ernest J. Gaines Joseph Heller Christopher Isherwood Anaïs Nin Lina Wertmüller Bertrand Tavernier Eudora Welty James Tate Jorge Luis Borges Catharine Stimpson Carolyn Heilbrun Armando Valladares JamesBaldwin John Ashbery Valerie Martin Jack Gilbert Sheila Heti Susan Bernofsky Francine Prose Harold Jaffe Yuri Herrera Viet Thanh Nguyen Luisa Valenzuela Sister Helen Prejean
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