MIT Press


Architectural technology up to the s...
Mark, Robert
Associative engines : connectionism,...
Clark, Andy (1957-)
Jumpstart : the economic unification...
Lectures on macroeconomics
Blanchard, Olivier
by: Blanchard, Olivier
Openness for prosperity : essays in ...
Giersch, Herbert
Composite engineering laminates
Dietz Albert G. H. (1908-)
by: Dietz Albert G. H. (1908-)
Computational molecular biology : an...
Pevzner, Pavel.
Computational molecular biology : an...
Pevzner, Pavel
A critical essay on modern macroecon...
Hahn Frank.
A linguistics workbook
Demers, Richard A.
by: Demers, Richard A.
Japan-ness in architecture
Isozaki, Arata.
by: Isozaki, Arata.
Models of bounded rationality
Simon Herbert Alexander (1916-)
by: Simon Herbert Alexander (1916-)
Man-machine systems : information co...
Ferrell, William R.
Evolution of communication systems :...
Griebel, Ulrike.
Empowering technology : implementing...
Branscomb, Lewis M. (1926-)
Encyclopedic dictionary of mathematics
Ito, Kiyosi (1915-)
Explanation and interaction : the co...
Cawsey, Alison
Intermediate statistics and economet...
Poirier, Dale J.
Uncaging animal spirits : essays on ...
Gottron, Martha V.
Introduction to AI robotics
Murphy, Robin R.
by: Murphy, Robin R.
Personnel economics
Lazear, Edward P.
by: Lazear, Edward P.
Perversion and utopia : a study in p...
Whitebook, Joel
Models of bounded rationality
Simon, Herbert Alexander (1916-)
by: Simon, Herbert Alexander (1916-)
Inflation debt and indexation
Dornbusch Rudiger.
by: Dornbusch Rudiger.
Theorizing digital cultural heritage...
Cameron, Fiona.
Barro, Robert J.
by: Barro, Robert J.
Barro, Robert J.
by: Barro, Robert J.
California design, 1930-1965 : livin...
Adamson, Glenn
Recursive macroeconomic theory
Ljungqvist, Lars
Global television
Schneider, Cynthia
by: Schneider, Cynthia
The primacy of grammar
Mukherji, Nirmalangshu
by: Mukherji, Nirmalangshu
Entangled : technology and the trans...
Salter, Chris (1967-)
Gabriel Orozco
Bois, Yve Alain
by: Bois, Yve Alain
Automation and alienation : a study ...
Shepard Jon M.
Principles of robot motion : theory,...
Choset, Howie M.
On streets
Anderson, Stanford
by: Anderson, Stanford
Body sweats : the uncensored writing...
Freytag-Loringhoven, Elsa von (1874-1927)
Semblance and event : activist philo...
Massumi, Brian
Internet success : a study of open-s...
English, Robert C. (1951-)
The SuperCollider book
Collins, Nick
by: Collins, Nick
Software abstractions : logic, langu...
Jackson, Daniel (1963-)
The voice in the machine : building ...
Pieraccini, Roberto (1955-)
Practicable : from participation to ...
Bianchini, Samuel
Social media archeology and poetics
Malloy, Judy (1942-)
by: Malloy, Judy (1942-)
Make it new : the history of Silicon...
Kātz, Barry (1950-)
Spectrum auctions and competition in...
Illing, Gerhard.
Uncanny networks : dialogues with th...
Lovink, Geert.
Reinventing the automobile : persona...
Borroni-Bird, Chris
A guide for the young economist
Thomson, William (1949-)
by: Thomson, William (1949-)
Foundations of international macroec...
Obstfeld, Maurice
The car culture
Flink, James J.
by: Flink, James J.
The Central Bank and the financial s...
Bank of England.
Dynamic macroeconomics : instability...
Flaschel Peter (1943-)
Economic growth
Barro, Robert J.
by: Barro, Robert J.
Working papers of the MIT Commission...
MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity.
by: MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity.
An introduction to genetic algorithms
Mitchell, Melanie.
An Introduction to genetic algorithms
Mitchell,, Melanie.
Sunk costs and market structure : pr...
Sutton John (1948-)
Monetary policy in interdependent ec...
Canzoneri, Matthew B.
Aircraft engines and gas turbines
Kerrebrock Jack L.
Studies in business-cycle theory
Lucas Robert E.
Foundations of statistical natural l...
Manning, Christopher D.
The International Journal of Robotic...
Robot manipulators : mathematics pro...
Paul Richard P.
The critical theory of J鋎rgen Habermas
McCarthy, Thomas A.
Perspecta : the Yale architectural j...
Surrealism and women
Caws, Mary Ann.
by: Caws, Mary Ann.
CV phonology : a generative theory o...
Clements George N.
Semi-supervised learning
Chapelle Olivier
by: Chapelle Olivier
Reinforcement learning : an introduction
Barto, Andrew G.
Reinforcement learning : an introduction
Barto, Andrew G
Drawing for architecture
Krier, Léon
Language and problems of knowledge :...
Chomsky, Noam
New Keynesian economics
Mankiw N. Gregory.
by: Mankiw N. Gregory.
New Keynesian economics
Mankiw, N. Gregory.
by: Mankiw, N. Gregory.
The AI business : the commercial use...
Prendergast Karen A.
Tomorrow's energy : hydrogen, fuel c...
Dorgan, Byron L
ReThinking a lot : the design and cu...
Ben-Joseph, Eran
Linguistics an introduction to langu...
Akmajian, Adrian.
NBER macroeconomics annual.
National Bureau of Economic Research.
by: National Bureau of Economic Research.
NBER macroeconomics annual.
National Bureau of Economic Research.
by: National Bureau of Economic Research.
Inflation debt and indexation
edited by Rudiger Dornbusch andMario Henrique Simonsen.
by: edited by Rudiger Dornbusch andMario Henrique Simonsen.
Cheating the government:the economic...
Frank A.Cowell.
Learning and soft computing : suppor...
Kecman, V. (1948-)
Learning and soft computing : suppor...
Kecman, Vojislav (1948)
Legged robots that balance
Raibert Marc H.
by: Raibert Marc H.
In the wake of the crisis : leading ...
Blanchard, Olivier
Oblique drawing : a history of anti-...
Scolari, Massimo (1943-)
How to architect
Patt, Doug (1968-)
by: Patt, Doug (1968-)
The Central Bank and the financial s...
C.A.E. Goodhart.
by: Brown, Barry (1972-)
by: Hu, Tung-Hui (1978-)
by: Cahuc, Pierre
by: Cormen, Thomas H.
by: Halpern, Joseph Y. (1953-)
by: Grue, John
by: Sitti, Metin
by: Harrington, Joseph Emmett (1957-)