Digital logic tutor I : an introduct...
Foster, Gerard N.


  • Digital logic tutor I : an introduction to combinational logi
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Title Information: an introduction to combinational logi
    Author: FosterGerard N.,
    Place of Publication: New York
    Published: Merrill;
    Year of Publication: c1994
    Description: 1 computer disk : col.3 1/2 in.; 1 manual (63 p.)+
    Series: Macmillan College software
    Subject: Logic circuits - Programmed instruction -
    Notes: Title from disk label
    Summary: A software tutorial with hypertext and animations which concentrate on building an understanding of digital concepts.Focuses on understanding, analyzing, building, troubleshooting, and designing the types of digital circuits that are called combinational circuits. Some of the outstanding featuresinclude hypertext by HyperWriter; animated illustrations created with Autodesk Animator Pro; hot words and phrases scattered throughout; navigation buttons; color graphics; and aworkbook
    ISBN: 0-02-338735-1
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 

  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •