Fractals for the classroom
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics


  • Fractals for the classroom
  • 纪录类型: 書目-語言資料 : 单行本
    作者: PeitgenHeinz-Otto, 1945-
    合作者: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
    出版地: New York
    出版者: Springer-Verlag;
    出版年: c1991-c1992
    面页册数: 2 v.ill. (some col.) : 28 cm.;
    标题: Fractals -
    附注: "Complemented by strategic classroom activities, which come in several volumes, co-authored by Evan Maletsky, TerenceH. Perciante, and Lee E. Yunker"--Pref
    ISBN: 0-387-97346-X
    内容注: pt.1.Strategic activities pt.2.Complex systems and Mandelbrot set
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