• Electric vehicle integration in a smart microgrid environment
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    其他作者: AlamMohammad Saad.,
    其他作者: KrishnamurthyMahesh.,
    出版地: Boca Raton, FL
    出版者: CRC Press;
    出版年: c2021.
    面頁冊數: xvii, 361 p.ill. : 25 cm.;
    標題: Microgrids (Smart power grids). -
    標題: Energy storage. -
    標題: Electric vehicles. -
    附註: Mohammad Saad Alam is currently working as an associate professor, department of electrical engineering, Aligarh Muslim University. He is also leading the industrial collaborative inter-disciplinary research in electric mobility and the Coordinator of the Centre of Advanced Research in Electrified Transportation. Mahesh Krishnamurthy is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and the director of the Electric Drives and Energy Conversion Lab and Grainger Power Electronics and Motor Drives Laboratory at the Illinois Institute of Technology.
    摘要註: Electric Vehicle Integration in a Smart Microgrid Environment The growing demand for energy in today's world, especially in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, has been met with massive exploitation of fossil fuels, resulting in an increase in environmental pollutants. In order to mitigate the issues arising from conventional internal combustion engine-powered vehicles, there has been a considerable acceleration in the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). Research has shown that the impact of fossil fuel use in transportation and surging demand in power owing to the growing EV charging infrastructure can potentially be minimalized by smart microgrids. As EVs find wider acceptance with major advancements in high efficiency drivetrain and vehicle design, it has become clear that there is a need for a system-level understanding of energy storage and management in a microgrid environment. Practical issues, such as fleet management, coordinated operation, repurposing of batteries, and environmental impact of recycling and disposal, need to be carefully studied in the context of an ageing grid infrastructure. This book explores such a perspective with contributions from leading experts on planning, analysis, optimization, and management of electrified transportation and the transportation infrastructure. The primary purpose of this book is to capture state-of-the-art development in smart microgrid management with EV integration and their applications. It also aims to identify potential research directions and technologies that will facilitate insight generation in various domains, from smart homes to smart cities, and within industry, business, and consumer applications. We expect the book to serve as a reference for a larger audience, including power system architects, practitioners, developers, new researchers, and graduate-level students, especially for emerging clean energy and transportation electrification sectors in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
    ISBN: 9780367423919
    內容註: Chapter 1 Trends in Electric Vehicles, Distribution Systems, EV Charging Infrastructure, and Microgrids Chapter 2 Fog Computing for Smart Grids: Challenges and Solutions Chapter 3 Opportunities and Challenges in Electric Vehicle Fleet Charging Management Chapter 4 Challenges to Build a EV Friendly Ecosystem: Brazilian Benchmark Chapter 5 Coordinated Operation of Electric Vehicle Charging and Renewable Power Generation Integrated in a Microgrid Chapter 6 Energy Storage Sizing for Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Chapter 7 Innovative Methods for State of the Charge Estimation for EV Battery Management Systems Chapter 8 High-Voltage Battery Life Cycle Analysis with Repurposing in Energy Storage Systems (ESS) for Electric Vehicles Chapter 9 Charging Infrastructure for Electric Taxi Fleets Chapter 10 Machine Learning-Based Day-Ahead Market Energy Usage Bidding for Smart Microgrids Chapter 11 Smart Microgrid-Integrated EV Wireless Charging Station Chapter 12 Shielding Techniques of IPT System for Electric Vehicles' Stationary Charging Chapter 13 Economic Placement of EV Charging Stations within Urban Areas Chapter 14 Environmental Impact of the Recycling and Disposal of EV Batteries Chapter 15 Design and Operation of a Low-Cost Microgrid-Integrated EV for Developing Countries: A Case Study Index.
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