• Analysis of pile foundations subject to static and dynamic loading
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    其他作者: KayniaA. M.,
    出版地: Boca Raton, FL
    出版者: CRC Press;
    出版年: 2022.
    面頁冊數: viii, 354 p.ill. : 26 cm.;
    標題: Piling (Civil engineering). -
    標題: Piling (Civil engineering) - Computer simulation. -
    標題: Dead loads (Mechanics). -
    標題: Materials - Dynamic testing. -
    附註: Amir M. Kaynia is Technical Expert in Vibration and Earthquake Engineering at NGI, and Adjunct Professor at Dept. of Structural Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He has received his BSc in Civil Engineering from Tehran University and his MSc and PhD degrees in Structural Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His areas of research and practice include Earthquake Engineering, Soil Dynamics and Soil-Structure Interaction. He has published more than 200 papers in peer reviewed journals and international conference proceedings, has authored 6 book chapters, and has held numerous keynote lectures worldwide. Amir Kaynia has led major international design projects onshore and offshore and has coordinated several research projects funded by the European Commission and the Norwegian Research Council related to offshore wind energy, earthquake engineering and vibrations from high-speed lines. He is member of several national and international scientific committees dealing with earthquake engineering and soil-structure interaction. He is also Chairman of the Norwegian Standards Earthquake Committee and is member of the Project Team for revision of Part 5 of Eurocode 8.
    摘要註: This book presents computational tools and design principles for piles used in a wide range of applications and for different loading conditions. The chapters provide a mixture of basic engineering solutions and latest research findings in a balanced manner. The chapters are written by world-renowned experts in the field. The materials are presented in a unified manner based on both simplified and rigorous numerical methods. The first four chapters present the basic elements and steps in analysis of piles under static and cyclic loading together with clear references to the appropriate design regulations in Eurocode 7 when relevant. The analysis techniques cover conventional code-based methods, solutions based on pile-soil interaction springs, and advanced 3D finite element methods. The applications range from conventional piles to large circular steel piles used as anchors or monopiles in offshore applications. Chapters 5 to 10 are devoted to dynamic and earthquake analyses and design. These chapters cover a range of solutions from dynamic pile-soil springs to elasto-dynamic solutions of large pile groups. Both linear and nonlinear soil behaviours are considered along with response due to dynamic loads and earthquake shaking including possible liquefaction. The book is unique in its unified treatment of the solutions used for static and dynamic analysis of piles with practical examples of application. The book is considered a valuable tool for practicing engineers, graduate students and researchers.
    ISBN: 9780367374167
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