Vocabulary and English for specific ...
Coxhead, Averil.


  • Vocabulary and English for specific purposes research : quantitative and qualitative perspectives
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: quantitative and qualitative perspectives
    作者: CoxheadAveril.,
    出版地: Abingdon, Oxon
    出版者: New York, NY : Routledge;
    出版年: 2020, c2018.
    面頁冊數: ix, 199 p.24 cm.;
    集叢名: Routledge research in English for specific purposes
    標題: English language - Study and teaching -
    標題: English language - Technical English -
    標題: English language - Business English -
    標題: Vocabulary - Study and teaching (Higher) -
    附註: This pbk. ed. issued in 2020.
    摘要註: "This volume provides an important contribution to the study of vocabulary and its relationship to English for Specific Purposes (ESP) research and teaching. Focussing on quantitative and qualitative approaches, this book draws on a wide range of literature to explores key issues that include: how to identify and categorise specialised vocabulary; and the role and value of word list research in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and ESP. This book features: An analysis of material in a range of different contexts that include secondary school education, pre-university and university-based education, professional and occupational ESP, and the trades ; inclusion of many examples of specialised vocabulary from research in Aotearoa/New Zealand and from many other areas in the world ; a review of the application of vocabulary research to professional and pedagogical practice ; suggestions for future directions for research."--Provided by publisher.
    ISBN: 9780367594473
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 

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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •