A time of change in hospitality lead...
Sheppardson, Chris (1962-)


  • A time of change in hospitality leadership
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    作者: SheppardsonChris, 1962-
    出版地: New York, NY
    出版者: Business Expert Press;
    出版年: c2020.
    面頁冊數: xxvi, 245 p.ill. : 23 cm.;
    集叢名: Tourism and hospitality management collection
    標題: Hospitality industry - Management. -
    標題: Leadership. -
    摘要註: "This book is an introduction to the challenge of modern leadership. Leadership has changed from the traditional perspective to be one which is far broader based, with more expected and asked. Leaders today need to consider their stakeholders, their employees, the communities and society in which they operate, the environment, culture, and trends. The world has changed so much in the last ten years and many are lagging behind in their understanding. At the same time, we are about to witness a change in generations and the question arises as to whether industry is ready to empower and pass on the baton of leadership?The main goals are to help students to understand what will be asked of them as they become leaders. It is aimed to challenge perceptions, thinking, and knowledge. Also, it aims to prepare students to identify how leadership has changed people's lives and help develop critical thinking about the role of leaders in business and in society."--Back cover.
    ISBN: 9781952538544
    內容註: Part I. Leadership at the heart of business. Chapter 1. Why is leadership of such importance? ; Chapter 2. Trust is the foundation stone of everything ; Chapter 3. Service and sustainability: cousins centralto the progressive business ; Chapter 4. How has the development in AI impacted on leadership on people and the industry? ; Chapter 5. Boards have struggled. Should they change in structure? ; Chapter 6. The hard facts: what do leaders really think Part II. Leadership in society. Chapter 7. To lead, to serve: society as well as business Part III. Leadership and people. Chapter 8. Do I trust in you? Do I feel safe? ; Chapter 9. should leaders be visible? ; Chapter 10. Attracting the best talent: nurturingof the young ; Chapter 11. The power of networking ; Chapter 12. The dyslexia myth the catalyst for many leaders Part IV. What does the past tell us? Chapter 13. What does history tell us is important about leadership Part V. Studies in leadership Part VI. What lies next? Chapter 14. The test of character that can make a difference.
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