The art of teaching physics with anc...
Marone, Matt.


  • The art of teaching physics with ancient Chinese science and technology = 中国古代科学技术与物理教学
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: 中国古代科学技术与物理教学
    作者: MaroneMatt.,
    出版地: [San Rafael, California]
    出版者: Morgan & Claypool Publishers;
    出版年: c2020.
    面頁冊數: xxiii, 157 p.ill. : 24 cm.;
    集叢名: Synthesis lectures on engineeringlecture #10
    標題: Physics - Study and teaching (Higher) -
    標題: Science - History. - China -
    標題: Science, Ancient - Study and teaching (Higher) -
    摘要註: "Blending physics with the study of ancient Chinese science, technology, and culture is a unique and highly effective way to present the fundamentals of physics to non-science majors. Based on the author's course at Mercer University (Georgia, U.S.), The Art of Teaching Physics with Ancient Chinese Science and Technology exposes a wide range of students to the scientific method and techniques of experimental analysis through the eyes and discoveries of ancient Chinese "polymaths" long before the European concept of the scientific method was even considered. No other book so deftly makes the connections from ancient China to Ben Franklin to Michael Faraday while teaching physics at the same time. A distinctive characteristic of this book is the detailed hands-on laboratory experiments. This first includes making a simple magnetic compass and magnetometer. Students then use the compass/magnetometer to measure the strength of the magnetic field produced by a long straight wire. The second experiment covers two different methods of mining copper to introduce students to simple chemical principles such as displacement reactions, oxidation, reduction, and electronegativity. Originally developed for non-science students in an Asian studies environment, this book provides a valuable resource for science teachers who wish to explore the historical connections largely ignored in traditional texts. When paired with Teaching Physics through Ancient Chinese Science and Technology (Marone, 2019), these two texts provide a unique means of studying selected topics traditionally found in a two-semester Physics course."--Back cover.
    ISBN: 9781681739045
    內容註: 1. Magnetism (Cíxué) 1.1. The magnetic compass zhǐnánzhēn 1.2. Magnetic declination 1.3. Magnetic poles of the earth 1.4. Representing the magnetic field of the earth as a vector 1.5. The luópán 1.6. Observations of magnetism by Franklin, Faraday, and Ørsted 1.7. Origin of the magnetic field 1.8. The magnetosphere of the earth 1.9. When does it become science 2. Spherical mirrors qiúmiànjìng 2.1. Mirrors and symbolism 2.2. Concave mirrors described in the Mòzǐ 2.3. Spherical aberration 3. Metals jīnshǔ 3.1. Bitter water in Mèng xī bǐtán 3.2. Bronze casting 3.3. Copper and tin ore 3.4. Malachite 3.5. Properties of metals 3.6. Back to the bitter water 3.7. Concepts from Chinese alchemy 3.8. Bronze 3.9. Wet copper method 3.10. Electronegativity 3.11. Wet copper mining in Arizona 4. Compass zhǐnánzhēn 4.1. Objective 4.2. Introduction 4.3. Lodestone experiment 4.4. Compass construction 4.5. Magnetic field produced by a long straight wire 4.6. The compass as a magnetometer 4.7. Data analysis 4.8. Data tables 5. Copper mining tóngkuàng kāicǎi 5.1. Objective 5.2. Introduction 5.3. Smelting malachite 5.4. Experimental method reduction of malachite 5.5. Experimental procedure reduction of malachite 5.6. Wet copper method 5.7. Analysis.
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