A humanizing literary pragmatics : t...
Sell, Roger D.


  • A humanizing literary pragmatics : theory, criticism, education : selected papers, 1985-2002
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: theory, criticism, education : selected papers, 1985-2002
    作者: SellRoger D.,
    出版地: Amsterdam
    出版者: John Benjamins Publishing Company;
    出版年: c2019.
    面頁冊數: xii, 396 p.25 cm.;
    集叢名: Fillm studies in languages and literaturesv.10
    標題: Pragmatics. -
    標題: Authors and readers. -
    標題: Criticism. -
    標題: Discourse analysis, Literary. -
    摘要註: "In much of his earlier work Roger D. Sell was shaping literary studies, historical perspectives, and pragmatics into a fluent interdisciplinarity. This enabled him to explore the fundamentally human relationships which develop between literary writers and those who respond to them. Literary writers, through their handling of deixis, evaluative and modal expressions, tellability, politeness norms, and genre expectations, activate the same interpersonal function of language as do other language users, and respondents' hermeneutic contextualizations of literary texts are, as a pragmatic procedure, no less standard. Not that context is completely determinative. In Sell's account, human beings are profoundly influenced by society, but can sometimes enter into co-adaptations with it. Like other people, literary writers and their respondents are "social individuals", who themselves benefit from respecting each other's relative autonomy. As well as explaining these theoretical positions, the papers selected here offered critical re-assessments of some major writers, including Chaucer and Dickens. They also suggested new ways of dealing with literary texts in literary and language education at all levels."--Provided by publisher.
    ISBN: 9789027204233
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