Stand out! : building brilliant bran...
McGurk, Brian.


  • Stand out! : building brilliant brands for the world we live in
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: building brilliant brands for the world we live in
    作者: McGurkBrian.,
    出版地: New York, NY
    出版者: Business Expert Press;
    出版年: c2021.
    面頁冊數: xvi, 143 p.ill. : 23 cm.;
    集叢名: Marketing collection
    標題: Branding (Marketing) -
    標題: Internet marketing. -
    標題: Advertising - Brand name products. -
    標題: Marketing channels. -
    摘要註: "Stand Out! is a book about branding and its evolution, practice, and power in today's digital age. It presents the "why-do" and the "how-to" along with a passionate philosophy on transforming business through brand-centered change. It spells out a sequential, easily understandable, proven brand-building process and is a key reference text for anyone interested in brand development, leadership, innovation, and sustainable business growth. Reader understanding and enjoyment are enhanced by ample presentation of supporting tables, charts, case examples, expert tips, real-life experiences and pull-out quotes, as well as a helpful "word wizard" glossary at the end of each chapter explaining business terms and expressions used. This book democratizes branding: It makes branding-its history, theory, and practice-easily accessible and actionable. Stand Out! replaces the mystique of brand strategy with the magic of brand makes it exciting and fun and puts that power directly into the hands of the business masses. It is a practical handbook for getting started with branding or for strengthening an existing brand management system. It gives the reader the confidence, permission, and skills to get branding now!"--Back cover.
    ISBN: 9781951527525
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 

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