The unwelcome visitor : depression a...
Welch, Denise (1958-)


  • The unwelcome visitor : depression and how I survive it
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: depression and how I survive it
    作者: WelchDenise, 1958-
    出版地: London
    出版者: Hodder & Stoughton;
    出版年: c2020.
    面頁冊數: 261 p.24 cm.;
    標題: Depressed persons - Great Britain. -
    標題: Depression, Mental. -
    標題: Welch - Denise - Mental health. -
    摘要註: "This is the book that Denise Welch wished for as she found herself exhausted and defeated after yet another visit from The Unwelcome Visitor - the name she gives to the episodes of clinical depression she has suffered from over the past 30 years. For so many, understanding their mental health is a leap into the unknown, and they are left grappling with the physical and emotional fallout without any guidance or someone to tell them 'you're not alone and you can live a happy and successful life alongside your illness'. Within these pages Denise reveals her ongoing journey from breakdowns to breakthroughs and through self-destruction to self-acceptance. Typically candid, Denise brings her trademark humour and honesty to a conversation that we urgently need to have, and shows readers it is brave and courageous to be open and vulnerable, and you too can take back control."--From Amazon's website.
    ISBN: 9781529384543
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
