Keats's negative capability : new or...
Keats, John (1795-1821)


  • Keats's negative capability : new origins and afterlives
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: new origins and afterlives
    其他作者: RejackBrian.,
    其他作者: TheuneMichael, 1970-
    出版地: Liverpool, UK
    出版者: Liverpool University Press;
    出版年: c2019.
    面頁冊數: xxi, 291 p.ill. : 24 cm.;
    集叢名: Romantic reconfigurations
    標題: Keats - John - Criticism and interpretation. -
    摘要註: Few critical terms coined by poets are more famous than "negative capability." Though Keats uses the mysterious term only once, a consensus about its meaning has taken shape over the last two centuries. Keats's Negative Capability: New Origins and Afterlives offers alternative ways to approach and understand Keats's seductive term.
    ISBN: 9781786941817
    內容註: Introduction :eading negative capability, 1817-2017 /rian Rejack and Michael Theune -art I. 'Swelling into reality' : new contexts for negative capability. 1. Keats's negative capability : on pantomime and ìrritable reaching' /rian Bates ;. John Keats's Jeffrey's 'negative capability'; or, Accidentally undermining Keats /rian Rejack ;. Keats's 'negative capability' and Hazlitt's 'natural capacity' /ichael Theune ;. 'That strong excepted soul' : nineteenth-century women read Keats /armen Faye Mathes Part II. 'Examplified throughout' : forms of negatively capable reading. 5. Negatively capable reading /assandra Falke ;. Knowledge's 'gordian shape' : Keats and the disciplines /urtis Hessel ;. 'Irritable reaching' and the conditions of romantic mediation /eanne Britton ;. 'Uncertainties, mysteries, doubts' : pluralities and the historical present in Keats and Hazlitt /mily Rohrbach Part III. 'Pursued through volumes', Volume I: Negative capability in twentieth- and twenty-first-century American poetry. 9. Beyond the great divide : negative capability and postwar American poetics /obert Archambeau ;0. Versions of negative capability in modern American poetry and criticism /ric Eisner ;1. 'Giddily off into the unknown' : negative capability and naturalism in Elizabeth Bishop's poetics /rsevi Seyran ;2. 'Darkling I listen' : Jorie Graham and negative capability /homas Gardner Part. IV 'Pursued through volumes', Volume II: Adaptations, appropriations, mutations. 13. Negative capability in the twenty-first century and romantic self annihilation in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials /uzanne L. Barnett ;4. Negative capability in psychoanalysis : Keats and retroactive judgment in Bion, Freud, Lacan, and Milner /avid Sigler ;5. Zen and the art of negative capability /nne C. McCarthy ;6. Negative capability in dialogic context /alter L. Reed -fterword :eading Keats's negative capability /onathan Mulrooney.
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