Textiles, community and controversy ...
Gilson, Jools


  • Textiles, community and controversy : the knitting map
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: the knitting map
    其他作者: GilsonJools,
    其他作者: MoffatNicola,
    出版地: London
    出版者: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc;
    出版年: 2019
    面頁冊數: xvi, 224 p.col. ill. : 25 cm.;
    標題: Knitting - History - 21st century -
    標題: Fiberwork - History - 21st century -
    標題: Art and society - History - 21st century -
    附註: Includes bibliographical references and index
    摘要註: The Knitting Map - a giant piece of knitting, constructed over 365 days by more than 2,500 women from 22 different countries, primarily from working-class backgrounds - began as a project about the process of making, but quickly became the subject of national controversy in Ireland after its unveiling. This book takes this tennis- court sized piece of art and uses it as a central case study to examine the social, philosophical and critical issues surrounding contemporary textile art today, which opens up new ways of thinking about their role in establishing - or dividing- community, in addition to their contribution to feminist artist practice. Reading this case study, one that is central to Irish art history, and putting it into the context of feminist artists such as Judy Chicago, Faith Ringold and the Guerilla Girls, this collection of critical essaysexplores key issues in wider textile practice such as gender, class, nation, technology, performance and community. Also exploring other textileart practices, such as knitting in public, or knitting with multiple hands, the book brings together some of the best-known contemporary thinkers in the field of textile art and fe
    ISBN: 9781350027527
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