The happy runner : love the process,...
Roche, David (1988-)


  • The happy runner : love the process, get faster, run longer
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: love the process, get faster, run longer
    作者: RocheDavid, 1988-
    其他作者: RocheMegan, 1990-
    出版地: Champaign, IL
    出版者: Human Kinetics;
    出版年: 2019
    面頁冊數: xxiii, 207 p.26 cm.;
    標題: Running - Training -
    摘要註: "The Happy Runner breaks down the science of performance psychology, introduces training principles, and provides real-world stories to show how runners can successfully apply the authors' Some Work, All Play (SWAP) principles into their daily running routines"--
    ISBN: 9781492567646
    內容註: Embrace the process Know your why Power yourself with kindness It's not all puppies and unicorns Principle 1: easy means easy, notthe absence of pain Principle 2: learn how to run fast before you practice running hard Principle 3: build strength from speed Principle 4: specificity matters, but less than you may think Principle 5: healthy running is active and earned Conclusion: you are awesome
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