A White House Christmas : including ...
Dowling, Laura


  • A White House Christmas : including floral design tutorials
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: including floral design tutorials
    作者: DowlingLaura,
    出版地: [West Flanders (Belgium)]
    出版者: Stichting Kunstboek;
    出版年: c2017
    面頁冊數: 159 p.col. ill. : 27 cm.;
    標題: Christmas decorations -
    標題: Entertaining - Washington (D.C.) -
    標題: Flower arrangement in interior decoration - Washington (D.C.) -
    標題: Flower arrangement - Washington (D.C.) -
    標題: Dowling - Laura -
    摘要註: Christmas at the White House is the most beautiful and grand celebration of the year. As Chief Floral Designer during the Obama administration, Laura Dowling was responsible for the dazzling floral pieces that made the season so memorable. Here, she invites readers behind-the-scenes of this complex yearlong planning process where some of the most innovative and ambitious handmade craft displays were created. From architectural details including intricate hydrangea-covered archways, illusion cube-patterned column covers and gilded maple leaf rosette panels to sugar paste floral vases and robotic versions of the 1st Family dogs, the decor inspired and delighted visitors and guests from across the country and around the world. In addition to her White House experiences, Laura shares advice and ideas, tips and techniques for planning holiday displays at home, including step-by-step instructions for re-creating some of the most popular and original White House holiday designs
    ISBN: 978-90-5856-575-4
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 

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