Searching for new frontiers : Hollyw...
Worland, Rick


  • Searching for new frontiers : Hollywood films in the 1960s
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: Hollywood films in the 1960s
    作者: WorlandRick,
    出版地: Chichester, West Sussex
    出版者: Hoboken; John Wiley & Sons Ltd;
    出版年: 2018
    面頁冊數: viii, 291 p.ill. : 24 cm.;
    標題: Motion pictures - History - California - 20th century -
    標題: Motion pictures - Social aspects - United States - 20th century -
    標題: Motion pictures - Political aspects - United States - 20th century -
    摘要註: "This book offers film students and general readers a survey of popular movies of the 1960s. The author exploresthe most important modes of filmmaking in times that were at once hopeful, exhilarating, and daunting. The text combines discussion of American social and political history and Hollywood industry changes with analysis of some of the era's most expressive movies" --Provided by publisher.
    ISBN: 9781405192989
    內容註: Post Hollywood and a changing America. Hollywood, Hitchcock, and the postwar era Domestic relations, 1953-1967, Bachelor pads, nervous dads, & marriages on the rocks; welcoming The Graduate Negotiating the civil rights movement, To kill a mockingbird; the rise of SidneyPoitier The new Hollywood, Vietnam, and the schism. Art cinema and counter-culture, Dr. Strangelove, A Hard day's night, Blow up, Bonnie and Clyde, Weekend Nowhereto run: the late western. One-eyed Jacks, The Man who shotLiberty Valance, A Fistful of dollars, the Wild Bunch The War, The Longest day, Hell is for heroes, The Dirty dozen, Castle keep, The Green berets Far out: new Hollywood voyages of discovery, A Space odyssey, Easy rider
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