Will big business destroy our planet
Dauvergne, Peter.


  • Will big business destroy our planet
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    作者: DauvergnePeter.,
    出版地: Cambridge, UK
    出版者: Polity Press;
    出版年: 2018
    面頁冊數: vi, 139 p.20 cm.;
    集叢名: Environmental futures
    標題: Big business - Environmental aspects -
    標題: Sustainable development -
    標題: Social responsibility of business -
    摘要註: "Walmart. Coca-Cola. BP. Toyota. The world economy runs onthe profits of transnational corporations. Politicians need their backing. Nonprofits rely on their philanthropy.People look to their brands for meaning. And their power continues to rise. Now, facing a mounting global environmental crisis, can big business provide the solutions? Absolutely, the CEOs are responding: big business not only has the global power, in-house guidelines for corporate social responsibility will ensureit happens, voluntarily. Really? Peter Dauvergne agrees that our crisis would be worse without the recent increasein corporate recycling, energy efficiency, and smart packaging. Yet he holds his applause, arguing that big business is still doing far more to destroy, than protect,our planet. In his judgment trusting big business to lead sustainability is unwise, perhaps even catastrophic. Planetary sustainability will require reining in the powerof big business, starting now"--Back cover
    ISBN: 9781509524006
    內容註: Total destruction? No The rising power of big business The business of CSR The dark side of big business The consumption problem Less destruction
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