This human : how to be the person de...
Senova, Melis.


  • This human : how to be the person designing for other people
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: how to be the person designing for other people
    作者: SenovaMelis.,
    出版地: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    出版者: BIS Publishers;
    出版年: c2017.
    面頁冊數: xiii, 208 p.ill. : 23 cm.;
    標題: Creative ability - Psychological aspects. -
    標題: Design - Psychological aspects. -
    標題: Designers. -
    附註: "A new perspective on design thinking"--Cover.
    摘要註: There are many great design books in existence that teach us about design process, tools and methods. With the increasing popularity of design thinking and human-centred design we've alsoseen more material discussing various aspects of the practice. One missing aspect, almost in an ironic twist, is what it takes to be the actual person who is doing the designing. The name 'This Human' is referring to that person. The person who needs toobserve to gain insight, to make sense of their observations in away that isn't biased by their own world views. The person who needs to communicate in many different ways with many different intentions to communicate information which is often hard to access, difficult to grasp and just not that tangible. The personwho is so passionate about having a positive impact they become exhausted one third of the way into their project. This book helps these people to learn more about themselves and how to think and be in their practice of design-to help them grasp all that is going on inside that then influences their creations.
    ISBN: 9789063694609
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