Francis Bacon : Unsichtbare Räume = ...
Bacon, Francis (1909-1992)


  • Francis Bacon : Unsichtbare Räume = Invisible rooms
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: Unsichtbare Räume = Invisible rooms
    作者: BaconFrancis, 1909-1992.
    其他作者: ConzenIna.,
    其他團體作者: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
    出版地: Munich
    出版者: Prestel;
    出版年: 2016.
    面頁冊數: 256 p.ill. (some col.), portraits : 29 cm.;
    標題: Drawing, British - Exhibitions. - 20th century -
    標題: Painting, British - Exhibitions. - 20th century -
    標題: Bacon - Francis - Exhibitions -
    附註: Catalog of an exhibition held at Tate Liverpool, May 18-September 18, 2016, and at Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, October 7, 2016-January 8, 2017.
    摘要註: This beautifully illustrated book on the work of Francis Bacon, one of the 20th century's greatest painters, takes an in-depth look at his trademark motif of figures imprisoned within ghostly frames. Arguably one of the most influential and original painters of the 20th century, Francis Bacon painted haunting portraits that employed themes of crucifixion, torment, and isolation. Incorporating the insights of 'The Logic of Sensation', French philosopher Gilles Deleuze's seminal criticism of Bacon's work, this volume highlights Bacon's approach to space as one of the defining forces of his work. By organizing the spatial and dramatic structure of his compositions with barely visible cubic or elliptical cages, his figures become trapped in a kind of invisible room. This sense of confinement creates a direct, unsettling impression on the viewer, and further emphasizes the painter's dark vision. This book features stunning reproductions of 40 large-scale paintings, including 'Study for a Portrait' (1952), 'Chimpanzee' (1955), 'Three Studies of the Male Back' (1970), and 'Sand Dune' (1983) as well as a selection of rarely exhibited works on paper. This book also contains a series of essays that explore the range of variation in Bacon's use of isolating constructions over a period of nearly 50 years, as well as the nature of his painting technique and compositions. Exhibition: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany (07.10.2016-08.01.2017)
    ISBN: 9783791355764
    內容註: Vorwort =oreword /hristiane Lange Grußwort =elcome /xel Nawrath Die Realität des Künstlichen :etrachtungen zu den "unsichtbaren Räumen" von Francis Bacon =he reality of the artificial :houghts on Francis Bacon's "invisible rooms" /na Conzen Gemälde =aintings "Das Bild einfangen" : Francis Bacons Arbeiten auf Papier der Jahre um 1950 bis 1963 =To trap the image" :rancis Bacon's works on paper c. 1950-1963 /auren Barnes Zeichnungen =rawings Archivalien =rchive material "Paint" und "Colour" :odi der Farbe bei Francis Bacon =Paint" and "color" : closer look at Francis Bacon's pictorial idioms /ia Littmann Bühnen der Sensation :ildraum und Perspektive bei Francis Bacon =tages of sensation :ictoral space and perspective in Francis Bacon /hristian Spies Francis Bacon :ier Wände =rancis Bacon :our Walls /artin Lewis Harrison Fotografien =hotographs "So viel Gewalt in meinen Leben" :rancis Bacon eine Kurzbiografie =Daily violence that I've experienced all my life" :rancis Bacon a brief biography.
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