Visual thinking : empowering people ...
Brand, Willemien.


  • Visual thinking : empowering people & organizations through visual collaboration
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: empowering people & organizations through visual collaboration
    作者: BrandWillemien.,
    出版地: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    出版者: BIS Publishers;
    出版年: c2017.
    面頁冊數: 143 p.col. ill. : 25 cm.;
    標題: Communication in management. -
    標題: Creative ability in business. -
    標題: Visual communication. -
    標題: Communication in management. -
    標題: Creative ability in business. -
    標題: Graphische Darstellung -
    標題: Visual communication. -
    標題: Visualisierung -
    標題: Visuelle Kommunikation -
    標題: Vortragstechnik -
    摘要註: Visual thinking and drawing are both becoming increasingly important in today's business settings. A picture really can tella thousand words. Visualisation is a crucial part of the journey for companies seeking to boost enterprise agility, break down silos and increase employee and customer engagement. Visualisingthought processes can help break down complex problems. It empowers teams and staff to build on one another's ideas, fosterscollaboration, jump-starts co-creation and boosts innovation. This book will help brush aside misconceptions that may have prevented you using these techniques in your workplace. You don'tneed Van Gogh's artistic talent or Einstein's intelligence to harnass the power of visual thinking and make your company more successful.
    ISBN: 9789063694531
    內容註: The importance of visual thinking Draw! - basic skills and guidelines Visual storytelling: templating Visual thinking in business settings Keep it up! - ending is beginning.
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