Social security for dummies
American Association of Retired Persons


  • Social security for dummies
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    作者: PetersonJonathan,
    其他團體作者: American Association of Retired Persons
    出版地: Hoboken, NJ
    出版者: John Wiley & Sons;
    出版年: c2015
    版本: 2nd ed.
    面頁冊數: xiv, 316 p.ill. : 24 cm.;
    集叢名: For dummies
    標題: Social security - United States -
    附註: Includes index
    摘要註: A step-by-step guide to getting Social Security benefits for you and your family. Peterson gives you the practical information you need to make the most of the program, and make smart decisions about retirement
    ISBN: 978-1-118-96756-0
    內容註: Introduction Getting started with Social Security. What social security is and why you need it ; A breakdown of benefits ; Deciding when to start collecting retirement benefits ; Protecting your number and securing your card Taking the plunge: filing for Social Security. Signing up for benefits ; Determining how much you've earned ; Navigating the system ; When you and social security disagree: the appeals process Who benefits and when. Spousal benefits: watching out for each other ; Family benefits: who gets what ; When you can't work: social security disability benefits Social Security and your future. Enrolling in Medicare ; Working in "retirement" ; Shaping a financial future you can live with The part of tens. Ten myths about social security ; Ten reasons young people should care about social security ; Ten choices facing the country about the future of social security Appendixes. Glossary ; Resources ; Play the game: you make the choices to strengthen social security
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