Making value, making meaning : techn...
Costin, Cathy Lynne


  • Making value, making meaning : techné in the pre-Columbian world
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: techné in the pre-Columbian world
    其他作者: CostinCathy Lynne,
    其他團體作者: Dumbarton Oaks
    出版地: Washington, D.C.
    出版者: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection;
    出版年: c2016
    面頁冊數: viii, 489 p.ill. (some col.), maps (some col.) : 29 cm.;
    集叢名: Dumbarton Oaks pre-Columbian symposia and colloquia
    標題: Handicraft - History - Central America -
    標題: Handicraft - History - South America -
    標題: Indian artisans - History - Central America -
    標題: Indian artisans - History - South America -
    標題: Indian arts - History - Central America -
    標題: Indian arts - History - South America -
    標題: Indians of Central America - Antiquities -
    標題: Indians of South America - Antiquities -
    標題: Social archaeology - Central America -
    標題: Social archaeology - South America -
    附註: "Volume based on papers presented at the Pre-Columbian Studies Symposium 'Making Value, Making Meaning : Techné in the Pre-Columbian World,' held at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C., on October 11-12, 2013."--T.p. verso
    ISBN: 978-0-88402-415-6
    內容註: Introduction: Making value, making meaning : techné in the pre-Columbian world / Cathy Lynne Costin Lustrous surfaces and shades of green : value and meaning in three Mesoamerican lapidary ensembles from Teotihuacan, Palenque, and La Venta / Laura Filloy Nadal The eloquence of color : material and meaning in the Cacaxtla murals / Claudia Brittenham and Diana Magaloni Kerpel Telluric techné and the lithic production of Tiwanaku / John W. Janusek and Patrick Ryan Williams Encoded process, embodied meaning in paracas post-fired ceramics / Lisa DeLeonardis Valuing the local : Inka metal production in the Tarapacá Valley of northern Chile / Colleen Zori New world metallurgy : a comparative study of copper production in the south central Andes and West Mexico / Blanca Maldonado Spondylus and the Inka empire on the far north coast of Peru : recent excavations at Taller Conchales, Cabeza de Vaca, Tumbes / Jerry D. Moore and Carolina Maria Vílchez The artistry of Moche mural painting and the ephemerality of monuments / Lisa Trever Techné and ceramic social valuables of the late preclassic Maya lowlands / Michael G. Callaghan Crafting identities deep and broad hybrid ceramics on the late prehispanic north coast of Peru / Cathy Lynne Costin Shaping local and regional identities : techné in the Moche presence at Cerro Castillo, Nepeña Valley, Peru / Carlos Rengifo Crafting credit : authorship among classic Maya painters and sculptors / Stephen Houston Textile techné : classic Maya translucent cloth and the making of value / Christina T. Halperin
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