Conversations with James Salter
Levasseur, Jennifer (1977-)


  • Conversations with James Salter
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    其他作者: LevasseurJennifer, 1977-
    其他作者: RabalaisKevin, 1976-
    出版地: Jackson
    出版者: University Press of Mississippi;
    出版年: c2015.
    面頁冊數: xxii, 236 p.24 cm.;
    集叢名: Literary conversations series
    標題: Authors, American - Interviews. - 20th century -
    標題: Fiction - Authorship. -
    標題: Motion picture authorship. -
    標題: Motion picture producers and directors - Interviews. - United States -
    標題: Screenwriters - Interviews. - United States -
    標題: Salter - James - Interviews. -
    摘要註: "James Salter (born James Horowitz in 1925) has been known throughout his career as a "writer's writer," acclaimed by such literary greats as Susan Sontag, Richard Ford, John Banville, and Peter Matthiessen for his lyrical prose, his insightful and daring explorations of sex, and his examinations of the inner lives of women and men. Conversations with James Salter collects interviews published from 1972 to 2014 with the award-winning author of The Hunters, A Sport and a Pastime, Light Years, and All That Is. Gathered here are his earliest interviews following acclaimed but moderately selling novels, conversations covering his work as a screenwriter and award-winning director, and interviews charting his explosive popularity after publishing All That Is, his first novel after a gap of thirty-four years. These conversations chart Salter's progression as a writer, his love affair with France, his military past as a fighter pilot, and his lyrical explorations of gender relations.The collection contains interviews from Sweden, Chile, France, and Argentina appearing for the first time in English. Included as well are published conversations from the United States, Canada, and Australia, some of which are significantly extended versions, giving this collection an international scope of Salter's wide-ranging career and his place in world literature"--Provided by publisher.
    ISBN: 9781496803573
    內容註: Chronology -- James Salter on the Screenwriter / Fred Baker with Ross Firestone / 1970 -- Circling Important Themes: An Interview with James Salter / Robert E. Burke / 1988 -- A Few Well-Chosen Words -- Adam Begley / 1990 -- Interview with James Salter / William Dowie / 1992 -- James Salter, The Art of Fiction No. 133 000 / Edward Hirsch / 1992 -- Interview with James Salter / Eleanor Wachtel / 1998 -- A Conversation with James Salter / Chris Offutt / 2004 -- Dan Pope Talks with James Salter / Dan Pope / 2004 -- An Officer and a Gentleman / David Bowman / 2005 -- Interview with James Salter / Robert Franden / 2007 -- An Interview with James Salter / Kevin Rabalais / 2010 -- In the Light Where Art and Longing Meet: My Day with James Salter / Sonya Chung / 2010 -- Life Passes into Pages: A Conversation with James Salter / Tim Sohn / 2011 -- Don't Save Anything: A Conversation with James Salter / Dexter Cirillo / 2013 -- James Salter / Thad Ziolkowski / 2013 -- Master of the Slow Reveal / Kevin Rabalais / 2013 -- James Salter en intervju [an interview] / Hans Ingvar Roth. Published in Swedish translation at (October 19, 2013). Original English transcript (with assistance from Patrik Ekstr?om) printed with permission / 2013 -- Another Kind of Life: Jonathan Lee interviews James Salter / Jonathan Lee / 2013 -- Salter on Salter: An Interview / Kay Eldredge Salter / 2013 -- You Are Writing What You Are, All the Time: A Conversation with James Salter / Dan DeWeese / 2013 -- Life and Everything That Happened: An Interview with James Salter / Andr?s Hax / 2014 -- Entretien avec James Salter : "J'essaie de me pr?eserver des autres voix quand je travaille." [Interview with James Salter: "I try and keep away from other voices when working." / Arnaud Laporte / 2014. Published in French translation in Le Magazine Litt?eraire (7 August 2014), 20 23. Original English transcript printed with permission.
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