Outdoor art : extraordinary sculptur...
Elliott, Fiona (1951-)


  • Outdoor art : extraordinary sculpture parks and art in nature
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: extraordinary sculpture parks and art in nature
    作者: LangenSilvia,
    其他作者: ElliottFiona, 1951-
    出版地: Munich
    出版者: Prestel;
    出版年: 2015
    面頁冊數: 207 p.col. ill., map : 31 cm.;
    標題: Sculpture parks -
    標題: Outdoor sculpture -
    附註: Map on lining papers
    摘要註: From Edward James's surreal sculpture garden Las Pozas in Mexico to Anselm Kiefer's sprawling studio complex in the French countryside, artists and art collectors are creating outdoor spaces in order to display sculpture and art that is both transformative and powerful. This book is filled with breathtaking photographs of 25 of these spaces from throughout the world - many of which are not open to the public. Captured in brilliant colour, these spaces are populated by works that both enhance and are enhanced by the landscape: rolling hills, mountain lakes, shaded canyons and empty deserts. Readers will discover Anish Kapoor's startling red steel tube draped across the rolling hills of New Zealand and an enormous pumpkin created by Yayoi Kusama, which sits on a pier overlooking Japan's Seto Inland Sea. Each park's concept is based on a unique theme or idea and some of these spaces invite contemplation both spiritual and scientific, while others blend horticultural elements with manmade objects. As large-scale works grow in popularity, these collections - built and designed by entrepreneurs, landscape architects, environmentalists, artists and garden experts - demonstrate the endless possibilities of displaying art in nature's realm
    ISBN: 9783791381183
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