Failing our fathers : confronting th...
Jethwani, Monique


  • Failing our fathers : confronting the crisis of economically vulnerable, nonresident fathers
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: confronting the crisis of economically vulnerable, nonresident fathers
    作者: MincyRonald B.,
    合作者: JethwaniMonique,
    合作者: KlempinSerena,
    出版地: New York
    出版者: Oxford University Press;
    出版年: 2015
    面頁冊數: xx, 186 p.25 cm.;
    標題: Absentee fathers - United States -
    標題: Fatherhood - United States -
    標題: Father and child - United States -
    標題: Single mothers - United States -
    標題: Fatherless families - United States -
    摘要註: Slandered as irresponsible, deadbeat dads, nonresident fathers are a greatly misunderstood population. These fathers are overlooked in discussions of poverty and economic vulnerability - often being viewed as the cause of social problems, rather than as having been abandoned by society. In Failing our Fathers, Ron Mincy presents a more comprehensive picture of how these men face significant obstacles and explore the effectiveness of the few policies that have been designed to offer relief. As it turns out, nearly six million men are unable to provide financial support for their children who live elsewhere - a population far larger than inner city, unmarried, Black and Latino men who have been the focus in the debate on disadvantaged fathers. Many of these fathers are significantly involved in the lives of their children, but their child-support obligations and long-term debts yeild significant provider role strain. Using new research, Failing our Fathers recommends further policies and interventions that can enable noncustodial fathers to support their children, and offers advice directly to these fathers who want to be more involved in the lives of their children. -- from dust jacket
    ISBN: 0199371148
    內容註: Acknowledgements -- About the authors -- Preface -- Introduction -- Employment -- Child support -- Nonresident fathers : presence in the lives of children -- The challenges of nonresident fatherhood -- Policy reforms to help vulnerable fathers -- Resources -- Appendix -- Notes
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