Essential travel medicine
Brunette, Gary W.


  • Essential travel medicine
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    其他作者: ZuckermanJane N.,
    其他作者: BrunetteGary W.,
    其他作者: LeggatPeter A.,
    出版地: Chichester, UK
    出版者: John Wiley & Sons;
    出版年: 2015
    面頁冊數: xvii, 337 p.ill. : 25 cm.;
    標題: Travel - Health aspects -
    標題: International travel - Health aspects -
    標題: Communicable diseases -
    ISBN: 9781118597255
    內容註: Basic epidemiology of infectious diseases / Mark J. Sotir and David O. Freedman -- Basic epidemiology of non-infectious diseases / Richard C. Franklin and Peter A. Leggat -- Pre-travel health risk assessment / Peter A. Leggat and Jane N. Zuckerman -- Setting up a travel clinic -- Marc T.M. Shaw and Claire S. Wong -- Travel medicine resources / Peter A. Leggat, Gary W. Brunette, Gilles Poumerol and Jane N. Zuckerman -- Travellers' diarrhoea / Charles D. Ericsson -- Vector borne diseases / Annelies Wilder-Smith -- Yellow fever / Mark D. Gershman and J. Erin Staples -- Malaria / Tomas Jelinek -- Respiratory disease and travel / Regina Larocque and Edward T. Ryan -- Sexually transmitted infections in travellers / Alberto Matteelli, Anna Cristina Carvalho and Patricia Schlagenhauf -- Tropical skin infections / Fransisco Vega-Lopez and Sara Ritchie -- Rabies / Mary Warrell -- Vaccine-preventable disease / Joseph Torresi, Abinash Virk and Jane N. Zuckerman -- Women's health and travel / I. Dale Carroll -- Children's health and travel / Karl Newman and Phil Fischer -- Travelers with underlying medical conditions / Anne McCarthy and Kathy Suh -- The older traveler and traveling with disability / Kathy Suh and Anne McCarthy -- Visiting friends and relatives / Karin Leder and Sarah McGuinness -- Migrants, refugees and travel medicine / Louis Loutan -- Study-abroad programs : student health and safety issues / Gary Rhodes and Gary W. Brunette -- Humanitarian aid workers, disaster relief workers, and missionaries / Brian D. Gushulak and Douglas W. MacPherson -- Long-term travelers / Claire Davies and Ted Lankester -- Aviation and travel medicine / Michael Bagshaw, Ian Cheng and Robert Bor -- Expedition and wilderness medicine / Sean Hudson, Will Smith, David Shlim, Caroline Knox, Karen Marienau -- Scuba and diving medicine / Karen J. Marienau -- Venomous and poisonous animals and toxins / Mark A. Read -- Cruise ships and travel medicine / Sally S.J. Bell and Eilif Dahl -- Mass gatherings and travel medicine / Joanna Gaines and Gary W. Brunette -- Emergency care whilst abroad / Peter A. Leggat and Marc T.M. Shaw -- The returning traveller / Tamar Lachish, Fons Van Gompel and Eli Schwartz
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