The art of cutting : tradition and n...
Trebbi, Jean-Charles


  • The art of cutting : tradition and new techniques for paper, cardboard, wood and other materials
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    劃一題名: Art de la découpe
    副題名: tradition and new techniques for paper, cardboard, wood and other materials
    作者: TrebbiJean-Charles,
    出版地: Barcelona
    出版者: Promopress;
    出版年: 2015
    面頁冊數: 159 p.ill. (col.) : 24 cm.;
    標題: Cutting -
    標題: Paper art -
    標題: Paper work -
    標題: Art, Modern - 21st century -
    摘要註: The Art of Cutting is a stunning collection of artworks created using a variety of cutting techniques. The author explores traditional techniques that are still very much alive worldwide, and then analyses the current aspects of the art of cutting, in which different materials and technologies lead to new forms of artistic expression. This book presents a selection of artists who revisit and work with traditional techniques, as well as those who adopt contemporary approaches. From paper to ceramics, food design and architecture, The Art of Cutting offers a stunning and diverse universe that is waiting to be discovered. This exceptional research work takes us to distant worlds, and also stimulates our imagination. Jean-Charles Trebbi , an urban architect, designer, artist, and author is passionate by folding, cutting, and assembling in all its forms. He uses mostly paper, but also cardboard, textiles, and even wood and metal to create his own absolutely original artists books. The book includes cut-out models
    ISBN: 9788415967156
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