Decorating the way I see it
Hancock, Nelson


  • Decorating the way I see it
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    作者: RobertsMarkham,
    其他作者: HancockNelson,
    出版地: New York
    出版者: Vendome Press;
    出版年: 2014
    面頁冊數: 258 p.col. ill. : 31 cm.;
    標題: Interior decoration - United States -
    標題: Roberts - Markham - Themes -
    摘要註: "Known for his ability to work in any design vernacular, Markham Roberts brings a fresh approach to traditional and contemporary styles alike. His work is not defined by signature looks or design trends. Rather, using an inventive combination of layered patterns and color as well as bold juxtapositions of furniture of different styles and periods, custom designs, and works of art from around the world, he creates interiors that have been described as "the very definition of chic." Roberts structures the book as he would a project, taking readers step-by-step through the design process, beginning with the basic interior elements--floor plan and furniture layout, color palette and fabric schemes, furniture selection, and incorporation of objects and art--and moves on to architecture, landscaping, and gardens, showing the important interrelationship between interior and exterior design. Finally, he puts all of the pieces together, using his own country house, a nineteenth-century gentleman's farm in the Hudson Valley, as an example." -- Publisher's description
    ISBN: 978-0-86565-312-2
    內容註: The basics. Floor plan; Background; Scheme; Furniture; Collecting; Art; Custom Architecture Home. Port Townsend; Clinton Corners
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