From camp to city : refugee camps of...
Herz, Manuel


  • From camp to city : refugee camps of the Western Sahara
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: refugee camps of the Western Sahara
    其他作者: HerzManuel,
    出版地: Zürich, Switzerland
    出版者: Lars Muller Publishers; ETH Studio Basel;
    出版年: 2013
    面頁冊數: 511 p.ill. (chiefly col.) : 25 cm.;
    標題: Refugees - Western Sahara -
    標題: Sahrawi (African people) - Social conditions - 21st century -
    標題: Western Sahara - Social conditions - 21st century -
    標題: Western Sahara - Politics and government - 21st century -
    標題: Western Sahara - Pictorial works -
    摘要註: "What happens when temporary architectural structures become permanent? 'From Camp to City' provides an in-depth analysis on the topic. Examining the theme of the refugee camp in the context of urbanism and architecture, the book offers extensive documentation of an urban "borderline case" in the form of the Sahrawi refugee camps in the Algerian desert - temporary spaces of transit that have become more and more permanent in recent decades. In contrast to the predominant understanding of the refugee camps as being either humanitarian or dystopian, 'From Camp to City' investigates how people live and dwell in these informal exterritorial spaces, work, move around, and enjoy themselves. It documents how the camp, instead of being a place of misery, can also be understood as a potential political project. Numerous images and texts on all aspects of life illustrate the emergence of urban structures and the way architecture becomes involved in the underlying political conflict."--Back cover
    ISBN: 9783037782910
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