Yoga and Parkinson's disease : a jou...
Fisher, Connie (1948-)


  • Yoga and Parkinson's disease : a journey to health and healing
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: a journey to health and healing
    作者: Van HulsteynPeggy,
    合作者: GageBarbara, 1943-
    合作者: FisherConnie, 1948-
    出版地: New York, NY
    出版者: Demos Medical Publishing;
    出版年: 2013
    面頁冊數: xx, 116 p.ill. : 26 cm.;
    標題: Parkinson's disease - Exercise therapy -
    標題: Yoga - Therapeutic use -
    標題: Mind and body -
    摘要註: Yoga is one of the most beneficial complementary therapies for Parkinson's disease, helping to increase flexibility, correct posture, and in general, enhance the quality of life. The authors provide an easy-to-follow and encouraging guide for bringing the benefits of yoga into your life
    ISBN: 9781936303502
    內容註: Foreword / by Scott J. Sherman -- Yoga to the rescue. My story ; Research and findings on yoga for Parkinson's disease ; How to use this book ; An introduction to yoga -- The poses. Supine postures (lying on your back) ; Prone postures (on knees or belly) ; Seated poses ; Standing postures ; Yoga snacks: approachable postures to begin your day or when you have limited time or energy ; Meditation
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