The art of critical making : Rhode I...
Hermano, Mara Alessandra L.


  • The art of critical making : Rhode Island School of Design on creative practice
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: Rhode Island School of Design on creative practice
    其他作者: HermanoMara Alessandra L.,
    其他作者: SomersonRosanne, 1954-
    出版地: Hoboken, New Jersey
    出版者: John Wiley & Sons;
    出版年: 2013
    面頁冊數: 272 p.color ill. : 24 cm;
    標題: Design - Study and teaching (Higher) - Rhode Island -
    標題: Art - Study and teaching (Higher) - Rhode Island -
    摘要註: Describes the world's leading approach to art and design taught at Rhode Island School of Design. At Rhode Island School of Design students are immersed in a culture where making questions, ideas, and objects, using and inventing materials, and activating experience all serve to define a form of critical thinking - albeit with one's hands - i.e. "critical making." The Art of Critical Making, by RISD faculty and staff, describes fundamental aspects of RISD's approach to "critical making" and how this can lead to innovation
    ISBN: 9781118517864
    內容註: Foreword / John Maeda -- Preface / Frank R. Wilson -- The art of critical making: an introduction / Rosanne Somerson -- Groundwork / Leslie Hirst -- Text and context: outward in all directions / Daniel Cavicchi -- Conversation: drawing / Patricia C. Phillips -- Thingking / John Dunnigan -- Object lessons / Sarah Ganz Blythe -- Conversation: materials / Kelly Dobson -- Graphic design, storytelling, and the making of meaning / Lucinda Hitchcock -- The nature imperative / Neal Overstrom -- Conversation: critique / Eva Sutton -- Acting into the unknown / Pradeep Sharma -- Afterword / Mara L. Hermano
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