Fashioning models : image, text, and...
Entwistle, Joanne


  • Fashioning models : image, text, and industry
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: image, text, and industry
    作者: EntwistleJoanne,
    其他作者: WissingerElizabeth,
    出版地: London
    出版者: Berg;
    出版年: 2012
    版本: English ed
    面頁冊數: xv, 222 p.ill. : 25 cm.;
    標題: Models (Persons) -
    摘要註: This volume brings together cutting-edge articles on fashion models, examining modelling through race, class and gender, as well as its structure as an aesthetic marketplace within the global fashion economy. Essays include treatments of the history of fashion modelling, exploring how concerns about racial purity and the idealization of light skinned black models shaped the practice of modelling in its early years. Other essays examine how models have come to define femininity through consumer culture. While modelling's global nature is addressed throughout, chapters deal speciafically with model markets in Australia and Tokyo, where nationalist concerns colour what is considered a pretty face
    ISBN: 9780857853103
    內容註: Introduction / Joanne Entwistle and Elizabeth Wissinger -- Models as brands: critical thinking about bodies and images / Joanne Entwistle and Don Slater -- Part I: From artist's model to the 'natural girl': containing sexuality in early-twentieth-century modelling / Elspeth H. Brown -- "Giving coloured sisters a superficial equality': re-modelling African American womanhood in early postwar America / Laila Haidarali -- Fashion modelling in Australia / Margaret Maynard -- Performing dreams: a counter-history of models as glamour's embodiment / Patri??ia Soley-Beltran -- Part II: The figure of the model and reality TV / Stephanie Sadre-Orafai -- Made in Japan: fashion modelling in Tokyo / Ashley Mears -- Modelling consumption: fashion modelling work in contemporary society / Elizabeth Wissinger -- Fashion modelling: the industry perspective
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