Intelligence and surprise attack : f...
Dahl, Erik J.


  • Intelligence and surprise attack : failure and success from Pearl Harbor to 9/11 and beyond
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: failure and success from Pearl Harbor to 9/11 and beyond
    作者: DahlErik J.,
    出版地: Washington, DC
    出版者: Georgetown University Press;
    出版年: c2013
    面頁冊數: x, 277 p.ill. : 23 cm;
    標題: Intelligence service - United States -
    標題: National security - United States -
    ISBN: 9781589019980
    內容註: Introduction: breaking the first law of intelligence failure -- Why does intelligence fail, and how can it succeed? -- Pearl Harbor: challenging the conventional wisdom -- The Battle of Midway: explaining intelligence success -- Testing the argument: classic cases of surprise attack -- The East Africa embassy bombings: disaster despite warning -- New York City: preventing a day of terror -- The 9/11 attacks: a new explanation -- Testing the argument: why do terrorist plots fail? -- Conclusion: preventing surprise attacks today -- Appendix: Unsuccessful plots and attacks against American targets, 1987-2012
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