• The Da Vinci code : a novel
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: a novel
    作者: BrownDan, 1964-
    出版地: New York
    出版者: Anchor Books;
    出版年: c2006
    版本: 1st Anchor Books mass-market ed.
    面頁冊數: 489 p.18 cm.;
    標題: Art museum curators - Crimes against -
    標題: Secret societies - Fiction -
    標題: Cryptographers - Fiction -
    標題: Grail - Fiction -
    標題: Paris (France) - Fiction -
    標題: Leonardo, - Appreciation -
    摘要註: The secret Catholic organization known as Opus Dei has struck. The elderly curator of the Louvre has been found dead inside the museum, surrounded by eldritch ciphers in invisible ink. It is up to Harvard semiotician Robert Langdon and his French cryptologist partner Sophie Neveu to decode the cipers, and get to the bottom of an ever-widening mystery. They discover that the late curator was the gatekeeper of the "Priory of Sion", a secret society whose members included Leonardo da Vinci, and that he sacrificed his life to protect a vastly important ancient religious relic from Opus Dei. If Langdon and Neveu do not deciper the clues in time, Opus Dei will get its hands on the relic, and havoc will be wrought
    ISBN: 9781400079179
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
