101 top tips from professional manga...
Leong, Sonia


  • 101 top tips from professional manga artists
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    作者: LeongSonia,
    出版地: Lewes
    出版者: Ilex;
    出版年: 2013
    面頁冊數: 176 p.col. ill. : 24 cm.;
    標題: Comic books, strips, etc - Technique - Japan -
    摘要註: The great popularity of Japanese comics and animated media has made manga art one of the hottest commodities in today's commercial art market. "101 Top Tips from Professional Manga Artists " shows illustrators how to succeed in that market. Written by two successful manga artists, with additional insights from a select group of fellow professionals, this illustration-packed book covers all aspects of manga art, presenting advice and instruction on-- Research and inspiration for graphic and story ideas Tools and equipment Drawing characters, with attention to hairstyles, expressions, and poses Adding backgrounds, props, and elements from nature Creating illustrations in black and white, in colour, painting in Photoshop, and using markers Creating comics with story, script, speech bubbles, and graphic sound effects Preparing finished work for the web and for print Here in a single volume is virtually everything an illustrator needs to know in order to create successful manga art for a variety of media. More than 400 colour illustrations
    ISBN: 9781781570302
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