內容註: |
CD1: 1, Tate of grace = 恩寵狀態 2, Red = 紅色 3, Treacherous = 危險關係 4, I knew you were trouble = 我知道你是大麻煩 5, All too well = 回憶太清晰 6, 22 = 22歲 7, I almost do = 差點按捺不住 8, We are never ever getting back together = 絕對絕對分定了 9, Stay stay stay = 留下來 10, The last time - featuring Gary lightbody of snow patrol = 最後一次 11, Holy ground = 聖地 12, Sad beautiful tragic = 美麗的哀愁 13, The lucky one = 幸運的人 14, Everything has changed - featuring Ed Sheeran = 都變了 15, Starlight = 星光 16, Begin again = 重新開始 CD2: 1, The moment I knew = 我知道的那一刻 2, Come back,,, be here = 回來我身邊 3, Girl at home = 在家的女孩 4, Treacherous [original demo recording] = 危險關係 Demo版 5, Red [original demo recording] = 紅色 Demo版 6, State of grace [Acoustic Version] = 恩寵狀態 原音版 |