Big miracle = 鯨奇之旅 : original motion...
Eidelman, Cliff


  • Big miracle = 鯨奇之旅 : original motion picture soundtrack; 電影原聲帶
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-錄音,音樂表演資料 : 單行本
    並列題名: 鯨奇之旅
    副題名: original motion picture soundtrack
    作者: 艾爾德曼
    出版地: 臺北市
    出版者: 滾石;
    出版年: 2012[民101]
    面頁冊數: 1CD(約51分)數位, 立體聲 : 4 3/4吋; 1本簡介+
    標題: 電影音樂 -
    內容註: 1, Main title (Whale hunt) 2, Barrow 3, National news 4, Fighting the ice 5, The world beneath 6, Fred, wilma and bam bam 7, Solid ice 8, Pressure ridge 9, Inupiats' decision 10, Media frenzy / Will it work? 11, A change of heart 12, Kelly can't connect 13, We're in big trouble out here 14, Generating hope 15, The barge fails 16, New breathing holes 17, The russians make a bet / Gorby, it's ronny 18, It's going to be okay 19, Missing 20, Bam Bam is gone / A prayer 21, Answering the call 22, The russians break through 23, Freedom 24, Where are they now
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