Lost = LOST檔案 : original television ...
Giacchino, Michael


  • Lost = LOST檔案 : original television soundtrack; 電視原聲帶. Season 5; [第5季]
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-錄音,音樂表演資料 : 單行本
    並列題名: LOST檔案
    副題名: original television soundtrack
    作者: 吉亞奇諾
    出版地: 臺北市
    出版者: 滾石;
    出版年: 2010[民99]
    面頁冊數: 1CD(約78分)數位, 立體聲 : 4 3/4吋; 1本簡介+
    標題: 電視音樂 -
    內容註: 1, Making up for lost time 2, The swinging bendulum 3, Locke's excellent adventure 4, The science of faith 5, More locke than locke 6, Together or not together 7, Through the window 8, Dharma delinquent 9, La fleur 10, Crash and yearn 11, Your kharma hit my dharma 12, Alex in chains 13, I hear dead people 14, For love of the dame 15, Follow the leader 16, Sawyer Jones and the temple of boom 17, The tangled web 18, Dharma disaster 19, Blessings and bombs 20, Jack's swan song 21, Dharma vs, lostaways 22, The incident 23, Jacob's stabber
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