Automobile mechanical and electrical...
Denton, Tom


  • Automobile mechanical and electrical systems
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    作者: DentonTom,
    出版地: Amsterdam
    出版者: Butterworth-Heinemann;
    出版年: 2011
    面頁冊數: xiv, 512 p.col. ill. : 28 cm.;
    集叢名: Automotive technology: vehicle maintenance and repair
    標題: Automobiles - Design and construction -
    標題: Automobiles - Electric equipment -
    標題: Automobiles - Maintenance and repair -
    標題: Formula One automobiles - Maintenance and repair -
    附註: Includes index
    ISBN: 978-0-08-096945-9
    內容註: Overview and introduction. Vehicle categories ; The motor industry ; Working safely ; Basic science, materials, mathematics, and mechanics ; Tools and equipment ; Workshop bench skills ; Servicing and inspections Engine systems. Engine mechanical ; Engine lubrication ; Engine cooling ; Air supply, exhaust, and emissions ; Fuel systems ; Ignition systems ; Hybrid cars ; Formula 1 engine technology Electrical systems. Electrical and electronic principles ; Engine electrical ; Lighting and indicators ; Body electrical and electronic systems ; Monitoring and instrumentation ; Air conditioning ; Formula 1 electrical technology Chassis systems. Suspension ; Steering ; Brakes ; Wheels and tyres ; Formula 1 chassis technology (brakes) Transmission systems. Manual transmission clutch ; Manual transmission gearbox ; Automatic transmission ; Transmission driveline ; Final drive and differential ; Formula 1 transmission technology Learning activities
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