Happy for no reason : 7 steps to bei...
Kline, , Carol (1957-)


  • Happy for no reason : 7 steps to being happy from the inside out
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: 7 steps to being happy from the inside out
    作者: Shimoff, Marci,
    合作者: Kline, Carol, 1957-
    出版地: New York
    出版者: Free Press;
    出版年: c2008
    版本: 1st Free Press hardcover ed.
    面頁冊數: x, 320 p.24 cm. : ill.;
    標題: Happiness -
    ISBN: 9781416547730
    內容註: Everyone wants to be happy--yet so many people are unhappy today. What are they doing wrong? Clearly, a new approach is needed. Self-help guru Shimoff presents three new ideas and a practical program to change the way readers look at creating happiness in their lives: 1. Happiness is not an emotion, a spike of elation or euphoria, but a lasting, neuro-physiological state of peace and well-being. 2. True happiness is not based on what people do or have--it doesn't depend on external reasons or circumstances. 3. Research indicates that everyone has a happiness set-point. No matter what happens to a person, they will tend to return to a set range of happiness. This book shows how you can actually reprogram your set-point to a higher level.--From publisher description.
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