Green chic : saving the Earth in style
Matheson, Christie


  • Green chic : saving the Earth in style
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: saving the Earth in style
    作者: MathesonChristie,
    出版地: Naperville, Ill.
    出版者: Sourcebooks;
    出版年: c2008
    面頁冊數: xvii, 220 p.19 cm.;
    標題: Environmental responsibility -
    標題: Alternative lifestyles -
    標題: Organic living -
    標題: Sustainable living -
    標題: Environmentalism -
    附註: Includes bibliographical references (p. [197]-198) and index
    ISBN: 9781402210822
    內容註: Introduction: in which I say hi and explain green chic Green glossary: a few helpful terms to know Little green things: baby steps to greener living Home, green home: being green a su casa, in two parts Dining and drinking: ecofriendly food, wine, and more Hello, gorgeous: beauty and personal care Green is the new black: info for fashionistas Getting around: everyday transportation, and ten travel tips On occasions: parties and celebrations and such Big green things: a little section about the big picture My favorite green things: these are a few of, well, my favorite green things Source stuff: some of the things I read in the course of my research
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